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Highway stopping up (closure) orders

Section 247 Town and Country Planning Act 1990: stopping up orders

If the order is made under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, it will generally relate to an area of highway that is to be built upon or affected by development in some form. Sometimes the change is minor, for example, the realignment of the back of the footway. At other times a road may be closed. The plan attached to the order will identify the area of highway to be stopped up (closed).

If you wish to object to the order being made or confirmed (which means to be made permanent), there are 28 days to make an objection. Objections must be made in writing. Notice of the intention to make the order is also displayed on the site or highway to be stopped up and is advertised in a local paper (currently in the Southwark News). There is no requirement for notice of the stopping up order to be sent to residents.

Page last updated: 02 July 2024


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