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Tustin Estate


A number of studies have been undertaken to inform decision-making for the low-rise programme on the Tustin Estate.

Housing Need Summary, February 2020

This study was completed by officers in winter 2019/2020 using a household survey. It seeks to establish an early understanding of housing needs on the estate.

See the Housing Need Summary (PDF, 188kb).

Stock Condition Survey, April 2020

This report sets out the estimated cost of maintaining the residential assets across the Tustin Estate over the next 30 years.

See the Stock Condition Survey report (PDF, 14.8mb), which includes the following:

  • concrete repairs report
  • mechanical and electrical report

View the structural survey reports for Manor Grove and the low-rise blocks:

Equalities and Health Impact Analysis (EHIA)

The EHIA (PDF, 2.9mb) (August 2020) considers the potential effects, including health effects, likely to be experienced by those living and working in the community in light of their ‘protected characteristics’ under the Equality Act 2010.

The EHIA for the Final Option (December 2020) (PDF, 3.2mb) considers the above based on the updated final designs.

Options Appraisal including Cost Benefit Assessment

The Cost Benefit Assessment considers an economic assessment of outcomes related to public space, housing, council tax payments and jobs delivered as part of works or development on the estate. These are monetised and sit alongside qualitative outcomes related to the local economy, environment, community and changes related to moving home.

See the Cost Benefit Assessment report (September 2020) (PDF, 543kb) with addendum for Final Option (January 2021) (PDF, 194kb).

Viability Assessment

The viability assessment uses a financial model to compare the costs and income of the five options and to understand its financial viability.

See the Viability Assessment reports for each of the options:

Whole Level Lifecycle Assessment, October 2020

This study considers an initial whole lifecycle carbon assessment, including operational (in-use) carbon and embodied (emissions during construction and demolition) carbon at Tustin Estate.

See the whole lifecycle assessment (PDF, 665kb).

Sustainability Strategy, January 2021

The strategy provides an assessment of the existing sustainability proposals and further recommendations to meet planning policies and sustainability targets.

See the sustainability strategy (PDF, 2.8mb).

Feasibility and Masterplanning Study, February 2021

This document brings together Common Grounds work on consultation with residents during the options stage, a site analysis, the outline redevelopment proposal, landscape design approach, floor and building plans for the homes and the school, and technical and servicing work. This document formed the basis of the Landlord Offer Document.

See the feasibility and masterplanning study (PDF, 32.6mb).

Page last updated: 29 July 2024


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