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Hiring a park or public open space

Completing the application

Applying to hire a park or open space in Southwark

We have a new process for processing event applications. If you would like to hold an event in a park or other public outdoor space in Southwark you will need to submit an application to the council's events team via EventApp.

For an application to be considered complete it must include a suitable level of supporting information and must comply with Southwark's events policy.

When applying to hold an event in a park or another public space you will need to provide us with specific information. Please see our supporting information template (PDF, 228kb) for a detailed guide to what you need to tell us. This is also available as aMicrosoft Word document (doc, 410kb). Your application must be made online through EventApp.

Event applications should be made eight weeks in advance for small events (approx. 500 people or less) and 14 weeks or more for larger events. Late applications may be considered where possible, but will not be given priority over applications received in good time.

Once the application is submitted

When first received the application will be assessed to check it has enough information to consider it complete. Incomplete applications will not be accepted and you will be required to provide more information in order to proceed.

If the application is complete, and providing the location is available on the date(s) requested, the date will be reserved whilst your application is processed. We cannot guarantee that a location will be kept available for you until receipt of a complete application.

A written response will be sent to the applicant soon after the complete application is received by the events team. This response will include:

  • confirmation of the timelines to be expected from that point onwards
  • a quote showing the application fee, hire fee and any damage deposit that would be charged for the event

Page last updated: 16 November 2023


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