We are moving websites

Please bear with us through this transition. We are actively investigating and resolving issues. 


Use our easy tool to find out if you need planning permission and our fast track application service to get a quick decision on your householder application.

Prepare a planning application

Removal or variation of a condition

When to use a Removal or variation of a condition application

You can use this application type to make a minor material amendment an approved development. This might include changes to the approved plans.

When ready, you can submit your planning application on the Planning Portal.

Apply for planning permission

Validation checklist for Removal or variation of a condition applications

Required for all Removal or variation of a condition applications

  • Application form

    What you need to do

    Provide your contact information and details about the original application and the condition that you want to remove or vary.

    Make sure you:

    • use the 'Removal or variation of condition' application form from the Planning Portal
    • fill in all relevant parts of the form
    • sign and date the application form before you submit it

    If you're applying to vary or discharge a legal agreement, you must complete and submit the council's dedicated 'Vary or discharge a legal agreement' application form.

    If you're not able to submit your application online, download copies of all application forms from the Planning Portal website.

    Why we need this

    This is a national requirement set out in The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) 2015 (as amended).

  • Fee

    What you need to do

    Our application fees are set by the government. You must pay a fee for most application types. There are some fee exemptions which you can check on our planning applications types and fees webpage. 

    The fee for an application for removal or variation of a condition(s) is set at £293 per condition. 

    Make sure you:

    • make your payment online when you submit your application using the Planning Portal 
    • respond as soon as possible if we contact you for additional payment

    Why we need this

    Planning fees are a national requirement set out in The Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications, Deemed Applications, Requests and Site Visits) (England) Regulations 2012.

  • Cover letter

    What you need to do 

    Provide a letter to confirm which condition the application relates to, and summarise the supporting information you have submitted with your application.

    Make sure you:

    • include the original application reference number
    • include full details of the relevant condition and the changes you want to make to it
    • explain why these changes are needed
    • provide details of any communication you have had with the council regarding the proposed changes before submission of the application
    • list all supporting information with your application

    Why we need this

    To help us assess your application.

  • Amended drawings or supporting documents

    What you need to do 

    Submit amended drawings or supporting documents which include the proposed changes.

    Make sure you:

    • scale plans at 1:100 or 1:50 on A4 and A3 paper size 
    • include a scale bar on each plan
    • include an updated unique reference number on each drawing
    • clearly indicate all proposed amendments, for example by circling changes or using arrows and labels to mark the changes
    • include any updated written dimensions
    • include details of any updated materials used in the development

    Why we need this

    To help us assess your application.

  • Solicitors undertaking to pay the council's legal costs for preparing the Deed

    What you need to do 

    Submit a solicitors undertaking to cover the council's legal costs associated with the preparation of the legal agreement. Make sure you include the full contacts details for your solicitor.

    Why we need this

    We need this in order for our legal team to prepare and review the revised legal agreement for which you are seeking approval from the council. Legal agreements are secured in accordance with our Section 106 and CIL SPD.

Page last updated: 10 September 2024


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