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Conservation areas

Bermondsey Street

The Bermondsey Street Conservation Area is based on the streets south of the London Bridge railway line to the Bricklayers Arms Roundabout. The conservation area has a rich and varied character that at its heart reflects the street scale of its medieval origins. The historic street pattern has largely remained but is built up by 18th century houses and shops, and by 19th and 20th century warehouse and office buildings. At its heart lies St. Mary Magdalen Church and churchyard. The combination of medieval scale and industrial detail creates a very distinctive townscape of narrow streets and building plots, arched alleyways to rear yards, warehouse architecture. This physical character continues to be expressed in a vibrant range of uses and activities that include housing, workshop and office-based businesses and many small-scale shops and cafés.

You can view our interactive map of Bermondsey Street conservation area.

Bermondsey Street -  designated 3 January 1973, extended 23 October 1991, 13 December 1993 and 11 January 2010

Page last updated: 11 July 2024


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