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Environmental Protection Team (EPT)'s role in licensing

Premises licences

If we think a licence application could cause a noise nuisance:

  1. we'll make a representation to that application to the Southwark Licensing Authority 
  2. a copy of the representation will be sent to the applicant
  3. there will be between 38 and 56 days (usually nearer 56 days) in which to negotiate additional controls or other changes to the application
  4. if the modifications are considered satisfactory, EPT may withdraw the representation to the application

If EPT are still dissatisfied with the application, the Licensing Sub-Committee will hear the application and any representations before making a decision. The Sub-Committee can include additional licence conditions or vary the hours and activities applied for.

A premises licences can be reviewed if there are ongoing problems with licensed premises, such as:

  • operating outside of licensed hours
  • conducting unauthorised licensable activities
  • being associated with crime, disorder or public nuisance
  • public safety risks
  • children at risk of harm 

Any person, or any of the responsible authorities including EPT, can apply to review a premises licence.

EPT will consider applying to review a licence if there are breaches of licence conditions that were requested by EPT to prevent public nuisance, or if there are changes to the way the premises operates that cause public nuisance complaints. 

  1. EPT will first engage with the licence holder to get conditions agreed through conciliation
  2. where agreement cannot be reached, the matter will be decided by the Licensing Sub-Committee (as if it were an application to vary an existing licence)

You can find guidance on licensing measures to prevent public nuisance in Section 10 of the statement of licensing policy (PDF, 1.9mb).

Page last updated: 20 October 2022


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