Dulwich streetspace
Scheme background
The Dulwich Streetspace scheme is a traffic reduction scheme and consists of a number of traffic filters introduced on certain streets in Dulwich Village, East Dulwich and Champion Hill to reduce through-traffic movements.
The traffic filters use physical measures such as planters or bollards, or enforcement cameras to prevent motor vehicle access. The traffic filters at Dulwich Village, Burbage Road (junction with College Road roundabout), Burbage Road and Turney Road are timed closures from 8am to 9am and 3pm to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday and prevent vehicles from travelling North or Westbound.
The measures were introduced as experimental in 2020. The aim was to re-purpose the street space to create a healthier, more active and greener environment for all.
By changing the way we use and design our streets, we want to:
- improve road safety
- reduce carbon emissions to help tackle the climate emergency
- make walking and cycling an enjoyable, safe and easy way to get around
- reduce inequalities in health and wellbeing
- reduce the amount of cut-through traffic
- reduce parking pressure for local residents
- encourage people to shop locally to support businesses and reduce car use
- improve air quality and reduce pollution and noise levels
- make more space on our pavements for social distancing to help keep everyone safe from COVID-19
Find out more about Southwark blue badge exemptions for this scheme.
Dulwich Streetspace review
A review was carried out on the Dulwich Streetspace scheme in Spring/Summer 2021 to understand the scheme’s impact.
The review consisted of:
- a public consultation from May to July 2021, which gathered feedback from local people on what impact the measures have had on them and their preferred future for the measures
- an in-depth monitoring report that included traffic volumes, cyclist volumes, pedestrian activity, bus journey times and air quality modelling (find further information and reports)
- an Equality Impact assessment and bespoke engagement activities with certain demographics
The outcome of the review and statutory consultation (closed 11 November 2021) informed the final decision on the measures on Tuesday 4 January 2022. The final decision was to make the scheme permanent with the following changes:
- revise the Calton Avenue, Court Lane and Dulwich Village traffic filter to allow access for emergency services
- reduce the hours of restrictions from 5 hours a day to 2.5 hours a day during the school peak travelling times
- revise the Derwent Grove traffic filter from a physical closure to a camera-enforced
- expand exemption scheme to allow Southwark Blue Badge holders at certain locations
Find the original decision report on the measures and recommendations, and see the outcome of the statutory consultation in this report.
The permanent traffic orders were made live on Thursday 17 February 2022.
Next steps
Spring 2022
- monitor the changes made to the Streetspace measures including the revised layout of Calton Avenue junction
- share monitoring results from April/May
- changes to signals at Herne Hill junction to alleviate congestion
Summer 2022
- commence the co-design engagement process for the permanent layout of Calton Avenue, Court Lane and Dulwich Village junction
To find out more go to:
Dulwich Village - Streets for People
Autumn 2022
- next steps for the traffic filters at Melbourne Grove North and South are to be decided, subject to statutory consultation; local residents will be informed on how to get involved closer to the time.
Documents and links
Newsletter - February 2022
View our map below.

Page last updated: 05 June 2024