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Black on Board - Diversifying Arts Boards in Southwark

Further details

Action Learning

The Action Learning element of this programme will offer a chance for your Chair or Vice Chair to build relationships with and learn from the Black on Board delegates (including the SID who will be placed with your organisation), exploring issues and experiences of diversity and inclusion in relation to governance. The Action Learning sets will support your Chair / Vice Chair in their leadership of your board on their journey towards better representation and greater inclusivity.

What is Action Learning?

Action Learning brings small groups of people together from different organisations (or different areas of an organisation) to help collectively solve real, current, often shared issues and is most effective when those involved are open to, committed to, and ready for real transformation or cultural change.

What is the Action Learning Set process for the Black on Board - Diversifying Arts Board in Southwark programme ?

Real world issues are explored by existing trustees and programme delegates through 6 half-day Saturday sessions delivered once a month over 6 months from November 2021 - March 2022.  Each session covers a different topic and explores the challenges of and underlying reasons for structural racism before arriving at practical solutions. 

How do Action Learning Sets work?

  • A cycle of self-led learning with peer support based on Reflection > Learning > Planning > Action
  • Non-judgmental environment and a space to reflect and find your own solutions, not an advice-giving opportunity
  • Centres on active listening and open questions
  • Rare opportunity for one person to reflect on a particular area or challenge for a sustained period in a supportive space
  • Questions posed by the group should develop dialogue and reflection rather than argument and recommendation
  • The questioning from the group helps to clarify and deepen understanding of the problem.

Can other board members also attend the programme?

Capacity is limited and the Action Learning element of the programme has been developed to ensure a balance of existing trustees and trained Black on Board delegates. It will support your Chair/Vice Chair/leader of your governing board to explore ways they can better lead the organisation towards being more representative and inclusive. The hope is that your Chair / Vice Chair will want to share their learning and progress with other board members outside of the programme, in preparation for the potential appointment of your SID / truste

Special Independent Directors

Your organisation will benefit from the year-long governance placement of a Special Independent Director who has been trained on Olmec’s Black on Board programme and participated in masterclass training and action learning as part of this Diversifying Arts Boards in Southwark programme.

What will the Special Independent Director contribute to our board activity?

Special Independent Directors are expected to:

  • focus on board matters and not stray into ‘executive direction’
  • provide an independent view that is removed from the day-to-day running of your organisation

They bring the following:

  • independence
  • impartiality
  • wide experience
  • special knowledge
  • personal qualities

They also contribute to strategic direction. As ‘an outsider’, a Special Independent Director may have a clearer or wider view of external factors affecting organisations, and can therefore act as a constructive and well-informed critical friend.

What is the selection process for placing a delegate with my organisation as a Special Independent Director?

Delegates will express an interest in which participating arts organisations they would be interested to be matched with on completion of their masterclass training and action learning sessions. Chairs/Vice Chairs of participating arts organisations will meet the delegates during their participation in the action learning programme. Organisations will then be given the opportunity to have informal “fireside chats” with a shortlist of delegates to inform the best match of delegate to each arts board.

How long do the Black on Board Special Independent Director placements last?

The placement will last for 1 year. For the first 3 months the Special Independent Director will observe your board meetings and activity and in the following 9 months they will take an active part in proceedings in their SID capacity.

At the end of the year your organisation and the SID will have an opportunity to decide whether to appoint the SID as a full trustee.

Page last updated: 01 September 2022

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