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In year admissions

How in year places are offered

A place will be offered to your child if you express a preference for a school and they have a place available in your child's appropriate year group.

The school you have named as a preference on the in year application form will be considered. Where your preferred school does not have a place available, Southwark Council’s school admissions officer can discuss further options and will also advise you of any local school(s) that have places available.

If it is still not possible to offer your preferred school, our school admissions officer will proceed to allocate an appropriate alternative school that has vacancies to your child. Your child’s name will then be put on the waiting list at your preferred school. 

Your child’s allocated school will then contact you to invite both you and your child to attend a meeting where a start date will be agreed. Your child should start at their allocated school within 15 school days of the meeting being held.

Page last updated: 30 August 2024


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