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Educational psychology


Consultation is working together to maximise the positive impact we can have on a problem or issue. Concerns are identified and action plans are developed.

Psychologists also contribute by using experience and knowledge of child development, problem-solving, the psychology of teaching and learning and organisational processes.

When a consultation is useful

We're available for support and advice where there's an unresolved issue that may involve an individual, group or whole educational setting. We often find working with individual teachers is the most successful way to bring about a positive change in a child's education.

A consultation may aim to:

  • identify and clarify difficulties
  • support the implementation of an action plan to address concerns
  • support the monitoring, reviewing and evaluation of an action plan

How a consultation helps:

  • the expertise of staff and parents is recognised
  • staff members acquire skills that can be applied elsewhere
  • the need for repeated work by the psychologist with individual children is avoided, saving a lot of time
  • consultation promotes good practice across the whole educational setting and this leads to wider lasting improvements

Above all, consultation means that educational psychologists work with others to achieve positive change. Sometimes it may be agreed in the consultation that a more detailed assessment is needed.

An example of a consultation

A primary school raise a concern with a psychologist about Abeil in year 2. His progress in literacy is very slow and he's behind his peers in most areas. It's agreed that the first step should be a consultation with Abeil's parents and his teacher.

In the consultation, concerns are discussed as well as strategies that have been used and potential future strategies. Abeil's parents are able to talk about what Abeil enjoys doing and their views on his progress. The discussion also includes the teacher's suggestions on how to help Abeil achieve his targets and a date is set for a review meeting next term.

Page last updated: 12 November 2019


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