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Exclusion from school

An exclusion is when a headteacher decides to send a pupil home from school as a disciplinary measure.

There are two types of exclusions:

  • fixed term exclusions
  • permanent exclusions

Fixed term exclusion

This is when a headteacher telephones you to say that you must keep your child at home for a fixed number of school days. This is followed up by a letter.

By law, a fixed term exclusion cannot be more than 45 school days in any one school year. When a fixed term exclusion takes place, the letter from the headteacher must give the date and time when the exclusion begins and the date when your child is expected back at school.

The letter must also provide:

  • the reason for the exclusion
  • the specific dates when your child isn't allowed in a public place (first five days)
  • details of the homework which will be set and how to return it for marking
  • you of your right to appeal to a pupil discipline committee hearing and who to contact from the school/local authority or local community group
  • if the exclusion is longer than five days, the letter should provide the supervised full time education being offered by the school from day six
  • a date for a reintegration interview for all primary age children, and for all exclusions of six days or more

Permanent exclusion

This is when a headteacher telephones you to tell you that your child will be taken off the school roll.

This is followed up by a letter. When a permanent exclusion takes place, the letter from the headteacher must give the day, date and time when the exclusion begins.

The letter must also provide:

  • the reason for the exclusion
  • the specific dates when your child isn't allowed in a public place (first five days)
  • the work which will be set and how to return it
  • the right to appeal and who to contact from the school/local authority or local community group
  • your right to have a friend or representative with you at an appeal
  • your right to see a copy of your child's school records
  • the supervised full time education being offered by the local authority from day six
  • the time limit that the governors of the school have to hear an appeal (15 days)

For more information, download the exclusion from school (PDF, 339kb) booklet.

Useful contacts

If you'd like more advice, contact:

Advisory Centre for Education (ACE)
1c Aberdeen Studios
22 Highbury Grove
N5 2DQ

You can also contact:

  • general advice line - freephone 0808 800 5793 (Monday to Friday 10am to 5pm)
  • exclusions information line - 020 7704 9822 (24hr answer machine)

Page last updated: 13 September 2023


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