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Borough, Bankside and Bermondsey

Great Suffolk Street

Great Suffolk Street is changing. A variety of new developments are under construction, and further proposals are being submitted by developers along the historic street. This follows a wider process of change in the area which has seen millions of visitors moving along the street to access Tate Modern, the regeneration of the railway arches by Network Rail and the recent completion of new student, residential, business and retail units.

This process of change is set to continue as people move through the street with the completion of the nearby Tate extension, the new developments along Blackfriars Road and the emerging masterplan for the Elephant and Castle to the south.

We've been working with Better Bankside, Bankside Residents Forum and the Greater London Authority since 2011 to make improvements to the street as investment has become available from external funders and the payment of section 106 monies from developers.

After holding several discussions and interviews with businesses and residents along the street, we created a joint strategy and vision in 2012 for making improvements to the street to benefit all, with the following key objectives:

  1. To safeguard and celebrate the success of existing businesses
  2. To shift the balance of the street to slow traffic and foster a more pedestrian-friendly environment
  3. To introduce green space, landscaping and planting where physically possible
  4. To work with and refine the distinctive character and history of the street

Following the completion of the strategy, we completed works to improve the junction of Great Suffolk Street and Dolben Street in 2013, and a project connecting Prices Street in 2015.

We're currently working on the section of the street between the junction of Great Suffolk Street with Union Street and Surrey Row, which is known as 'Union Parade' for ease of reference.

Union Parade

Several projects are underway at the junction of Great Suffolk Street and Union Street, including the construction of the Old Union Yard, the Music Box, and the Quietway cycle route from Greenwich to Waterloo.

Working with Better Bankside, we've secured a grant from the Greater London Authority to make improvements to the streetscene in this location, which will tie into the new quietway cycle route and the construction of the new cultural developments.

We consulted the community on a draft design over a six week period up until 31 July 2015, including a successful event on the street on Thursday 25 June.

Taking on board comments from the consultation, we've constructed a final design (PDF, 229kb) that includes the following features:

  • a new signalised junction at Union Street / Great Suffolk  Street with pedestrian facilities and a raised table
  • new Yorkstone paving and an extension of the pavement area with a new double loading bay for all deliveries
  • protection of the existing trees and the installation of new planters to be maintained by Better Bankside
  • removal of old street clutter including bollards and redundant posts
  • installation of new cycle racks and seating
  • new relocated street lights
  • improvements to the private forecourts and bin stores

Contact us

If you'd like to sign up to receive electronic or paper copies of our dbrief development news to keep in touch with area changes, contact us.

Dan Taylor
Programme Manager
020 7525 5450

Page last updated: 01 August 2024


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