Background papers and hearing statements
Background papers
- Housing background paper (Dec 2019) [SP101] (PDF, 1.3mb)
- Addendum to the Housing Background Paper– Gypsy and Traveller Update (July 2020) (PDF, 99kb): This addendum outlines the Council’s effort to safeguard and provide quality accommodation for gypsies and travellers.
- Student housing background paper (2019) [SP103] (PDF, 252kb): This paper details the policy context for student accommodation in London. It also outlines the delivery of student accommodation in Southwark.
- Extracts from the Strategics Targets Background Paper (Feb 2021) (PDF, 391kb): This paper outline the targets/ benchmarks for older people housing and is also broken down into different types of accommodation and care units that are expected to be delivered.
- Affordable Housing Contributions on Minor Developments of 1-9 units Background Paper (2019) [SP102] (PDF, 194kb): This paper illustrates the need and deliverability of Policy P1 in the Southwark Plan (2022), which requires development that creates nine homes or fewer to provide the maximum viable in-lieu contributions with a minimum of 35% towards the delivery of new council social rented or intermediate homes subject to viability.
Hearing statements
- Council’s response to the Inspector’s questions on Matter 3: Meeting Southwark’s Housing Needs (PDF, 866kb)
- Council's response to the Inspector’s questions on Matter 6: Housing Land Supply (PDF, 272kb) and its associated update (PDF, 390kb)
Page last updated: 05 April 2023