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Comment on a planning application and view the Planning Register

You can use our Planning Register to:

  • search, view and comment on a planning application
  • get email alerts about planning applications in your area

Access the Planning Register 

You need an account to be able to make comments and to get email alerts.

Register for your online Planning Register account 

When can I comment on a planning application?

Each application has a start and end date for the consultation period. This is usually at least 21 days. Make sure you submit your comment before the end of the consultation period for the application. The application will not be decided before this period expires. Comments that we receive after the consultation period deadline, but before we issue a planning decision, might still be taken into account but we cannot guarantee this.

What can I comment on?

This lists gives examples of the type of things you can comment on that we will take into account when deciding a planning application:

  • design and size of the development
  • the proposed land use
  • traffic and parking
  • if it will be a nuisance because of noise 
  • if it will affect neighbour’s amenity in terms of daylight, privacy etc
  • how it complies with our planning policies and guidance
  • possible Section 106 planning contributions or benefits for the community that could be secured from the proposal
  • any other relevant material planning or environmental issues

Are there any applications that I cannot comment on?

Pre-application enquiries are the only application type that are not published on the Planning Register. This is because pre-application enquiries are often commercially sensitive and submitted at a very early stage of the development design. You can't comment on a pre-application enquiry.

If an application for full planning permission is submitted to the council which is similar to the scheme put forward at pre-application stage, we will publish a copy of the formal pre-application response on the Planning Register as part of the full planning application file. The complete set of pre-application drawings and documents, except for any commercially sensitive information, can be supplied on request by contacting the case officer for the application. You can comment on the application at this stage. 

Publishing your personal details

Any written comment you make about an application must be placed on the public file by law. This means that:

  • your comment and your name and address will form part of the back office planning application documents
  • your comment will be published on our website; we will remove your name, signature, email address, telephone number and any other personal information before publishing onto the website
  • anonymous and 'in confidence' comments will usually not be considered; if you feel that your comment should be kept wholly confidential, please specify with reasons in your representation

Understanding planning language and application dates

When looking at the details and supporting documents for a planning application on the Planning Register, you might come across unfamiliar words or phrases. We have written a planning glossary to help you understand this type of language. You can also look at our guide to application dates

Page last updated: 28 May 2024


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