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Comment on a planning application and view the Planning Register

Guide to application dates

Each planning application on the Planning Register will include the following important dates.

Date type

What this means

Date received

This is the date the application was received by the council.

Statutory start date

This is the same as the date received where the application, as originally submitted to us, is considered to be valid.


When the application, as originally submitted to us, is not considered to be valid and further information is required, the start date is the date we receive the additional requested information.

Statutory expiry date

This is the date after which the applicant can appeal to the planning inspectorate for a decision on the application if the council has not issued its decision.

Consultation start date

This is the date the application was marked as valid and added to the Planning Register.

Consultation end date

This is the deadline for public comments in response to neighbour consultation letters, press notices, site notices and any repeated rounds of consultation that might be carried out.


This date will be a minimum of 21 days from the date the application was received. This date will change to reflect the expiry date of the last consultation action carried out. A decision will not be made on the application before this date.


Comments received after this date but before the decision is made may still be taken into account in making the decision.

Press notice date

This is the date of the publication of the press notice in our local newspaper, Southwark News. Not all applications need a press notice. The need for a press notice is determined by statutory requirements and our consultation policy.

Site notice date

This is the date on which the site notice was displayed on or near the site to which the application relates. Not all applications need a site notice. The need for a site notice is determined by statutory requirements and the council's consultation policy.

Target decision date

This is the date by which it is hoped the case officer dealing will be in a position to make a recommendation on the application. This date is subject to change and is not an undertaking given by the council that a decision will be made on that date.

Expected decision level

This is the expected level at which the decision will be made.


If the decision is to be made by council officers, the expected decision level will be shown as ‘delegated’.


If the decision is to be made by councillors, this will be shown as either planning committee or planning sub-committee A or B.


The expected decision level can change depending on a number of factors. These include the number of objections received, certain planning policy issues and the recommended decision. Details are set out in the council's constitution.

Committee meeting date

If an application is to be decided by the planning committee, the ‘committee meeting date’ will display the date of the meeting. The application will be decided at the meeting. The applicant and anyone who has submitted comments on the application will be notified of the date, time and venue for the meeting.

Decision date

This is the date the decision notice was issued. 

Conditions and reasons for decided applications

Conditions and reasons for planning decisions are only available for applications decided since the beginning of January 2003. If an application has been decided by planning committee, you can view the relevant report in our planning committee section.


Page last updated: 28 May 2024


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