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Listed buildings

There are approximately 2,200 listed buildings and structures in Southwark that are of national, historical or architectural interest. All such structures are included on a list drawn up by the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport.

Listed buildings and structures are classified in grades to show their relative importance. The grades are I, II* and II, with Grade I buildings being considered of paramount importance to the nation and grade II* are of outstanding interest.  Most of the listed buildings in Southwark are grade II, although we also have a number of grade II* buildings and a few grade I buildings.

Is your property listed

To find out if a building or structure is listed, or to download a full description of a listing visit our interactive Southwark maps.

The listed buildings data is plotted  on the map to show the primary listed building as detailed in the listing description. This plotting does not show details of curtilage or establish the setting of the listed building, or identify other structures which may be included in the listing. Details of curtilage and setting should be established through pre-application discussions with the Design and Conservation team. The areas of listed buildings indicated upon the map is based upon an interpretation of the Ordnance Survey mapping, not upon a site visit.  The listing benefits both the internal and external fabric of a building’s structure.

For assets such as listed street furniture, funerary structures or statues the listing description should be consulted and the asset examined to confirm identification. Locations of assets not detailed on the underlying Ordnance Survey mapping are approximate and should be established from a site visit.

Please note it is a criminal offence to undertake, or cause to be undertaken, works to a listed building without permission. The investigation of reports of unauthorised works to listed buildings and structures is a high priority for us. Contact us immediately if you believe that unauthorised works are taken place without consent. You can contact us by using our e-form Planning Enforcement Investigation, by email or phone 020 7525 5403

Can you do work to a listed building

Any works to a listed building usually require Listed Building Consent. It is needed for alterations or repairs that include the removal of historic fabric or changes to the building's character or layout. This includes internal alterations such as the removal of historic doors or fireplaces and the replacement of external doors or windows.

Detailed information regarding the existing features of the listed building and how they are affected by any proposed works will be required for the application. 

Submit an application for listed building consent 

How to get a building listed

Submit an application to Historic England to have a building considered for listing.

Page last updated: 13 July 2023


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