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Victory Community Park

Victory Community Park
Construction works in Victory Community Park. Infilling of the sunken ballcourt

Construction work has been completed at Victory Community Park, which has reopened to the public. We hope you enjoy the new facilities, and thank you to all the residents who have helped through the public consultations.

Our aims are the following:

Victoria Park under construction
Construction works progressing. New lawn area, seats and ball-court fencing installed
  • there used to be a bridge inside the park, but we removed it for health and safety reasons; we'll recreate the east and west connections around and through the park, as part of East Walworth Green Links. Find more information on East Walworth Green Links
  • to improve the look of the park to make it a more welcoming and safe space
  • to increase the number of visits to the park; surveys in 2019 showed the park is underused in comparison to other similar parks in the borough

The final design for the park

Following the three public consultations for Victory Community Park, the final design was updated in November 2022 and is shown below. 

Drawing of green spaces and roads showing proposed design of Victory community park
Victory Community Park final design
  1. Better footpaths, new improved path surfacing and benches
  2. New plants with increased biodiversity next to Rodney Place
  3. New large, flat open lawn, created for everyone to sit and relax, play games or exercise
  4. Boundary to nature area improved with hedge and shrub plants and new entrance from within the park
  5. New ball court
  6. Table tennis area with seating area
  7. Improved play area with natural materials and colours
  8. New picnic benches/seats in paved spaces accessible for people with disabilities
  9. Keep and improve the world garden zone with new plants and signs
  10. Attractive lower metal railings at 1.4 metres high around the park boundary, and new plants all to make the park and the entrances more welcoming
  11. Create one new improved entrance at the corner of Victory Place and Balfour Street removing the two current entrances
  12. Create one new improved entrance at Munton Road

Download the final design plans below:

Victory Community Park Illustrative Landscape Proposal View (3D) (PDF, 4.8mb)

Victory Community Park Illustrative Landscape Proposal Design (2D) (PDF, 916kb)

The following changes have been made to the design in November 2022.

1) The ball court will now have football goals and basketball hoops on both ends.

2) The pedestrian entrance on Rodney Place was going to be on the corner of Munton Road, however, it will now be kept in approximately the same location as it is currently. A road safety inspection was carried out and the new pedestrian crossing on Rodney Place will now be further south. Keeping the current entrance works best for easy navigation of the pedestrian route that links to Elephant Park, as part of the East Walworth Green Links.

This new entrance on Rodney Place also means that two trees originally proposed for removal will no longer need to be felled.

3) A new additional entrance to the park has been added to the design, on Munton Rd, about halfway down the road. This entrance has been added for many reasons. Firstly, as there will no longer be an entrance at the corner of Munton Rd, this new entrance makes it more convenient for residents of Munton Road to enter the park. Additionally, we received requests from residents who use the Munton Road entrance as a route through to the primary school. Also, having multiple exits is beneficial for safety, particularly for women and girls visiting the park.

Initial public consultation

The initial consultation was in January 2020. A summary of this consultation is available to download below:

Victory Community Park Consultation January 2020 report (PDF, 1mb)

Second public consultation on concept design options

The second public consultation was in September 2020. Three design options based on feedback from the initial consultation were presented to the public and a summary of this consultation is available to download below:

Victory Community Park Consultation September 2020 report (PDF, 1.6mb)

Third public consultation on the developed design

Based on the feedback from these consultations, the design was developed into one design. This design was available to the public to comment on in September 2021. A summary of these comments is available to download below:

Victory Community Park consultation September 2021 report (PDF, 1.4mb)

Victory Community Park consultation September 2021 report appendix table (PDF, 1.5mb)

Play area consultation

In January 2023, a focused consultation was held on a design for the play area in the park. 

What's next

The park has reopened to the public. Areas of smaller shrubs and grasses still need to be planted in the autumn. These works were delayed until the planting season to give the plants the best chance of establishing.

Page last updated: 10 September 2024


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