Changes to parking fees and charges

Changes to parking fees and charges will take effect from 1 April 2024. Read more about the changes (official public record, published 7 March)

We are moving websites

Please bear with us through this transition. We are actively investigating and resolving issues. 

Thorburn Square parking study consultation

Proposed Parking zone

During October and November 2017 we carried out a study on the possible introduction of a parking zone in a network of streets surrounding Thorburn Square.


The consultation commenced on Thursday 26 October 2017 and closed on Wednesday 15 November 2017. All postal addresses within the study area received a consultation pack including the following:

Project process

We have a thorough process to follow when deciding whether to implement a new parking zone. The key, past and future processes are summarised as follows:

  • August/September 2017 - consultation methods and boundaries agreed by the Cabinet Member for Environment and Public Realm
  • October and November 2017 - informal consultation
  • Early 2018 - draft consultation findings and recommendations reported to Community Council
  • Early 2018 - decision making
  • Spring 2018 - statutory consultation
  • Autumn 2018 - implementation of the parking zone
  • Autumn/Winter 2019 - implementation of minor works in freed up kerbside space to enhance the environment

Consultation outcome

You can view a copy of the Thorburn Square report (PDF, 967kb) containing a detailed breakdown of the consultation results and officer recommendations.

Officers recommend the implementation of a parking zone across the entire consultation area. A majority of those who responded have stated that they would like to have a parking zone implemented. The majority of comments also stated that there is a parking problem and that this is mainly due to an increase in commuters in this area. It is recommended that the zone operates Monday to Friday 8.30am to 6.30pm.

Individual decision making

Council officers submitted an Individual Decision Making report to the Cabinet Member for Environment and Public Realm seeking approval for implementation of the parking zone. This report also contained a detailed design which was amended using comments received from residents and businesses in the area.  The cabinet member took a formal decision to approve recommendations on 26 March 2018 effective from 5 April 2018. The decision details can be found at the ModernGov webpage.

Statutory consultation

We carried out statutory consultation as defined in national legislation (known as the traffic orders regulations). This occurred between 24 May 2018 and 15 June 2018. Copies of the notice, a statement of the Council's reasons for making the orders and a plan of the proposal may be found online at traffic orders.

Objections were received at the statutory consultation stage. An objection report was presented to the Cabinet Member asking for determination of the objections.


The Cabinet Member determined the objections in July 2018; a traffic order will be made and implementation of parking restrictions can then commence.

If you have any further questions please contact or 020 7525 0127

Page last updated: 03 October 2019


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