Changes to parking fees and charges

Changes to parking fees and charges will take effect from 1 April 2024. Read more about the changes (official public record, published 7 March)

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Peckham West parking study and healthier streets consultation

Coronavirus (COVID-19) update:

Peckham West (PW) Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) is live as of 30 March 2020

Peckham West CPZ has gone live as planned as it is essential that we maintain a controlled parking regime wherever possible across Southwark to ensure we can maintain free access for emergency vehicles and other essential services such as waste collection.

Peckham West CPZ will have an extended period of warning notices.  Warning notices will be issued to vehicles parking on double yellow lines for a period of two weeks from Monday 30 March. Vehicles parked in permit bays without a permit will be issued warning notices for a period of four weeks.

Residents are asked to ensure that they have a valid permit for their vehicle from the live date to ensure they do not receive a fine.

All parking permits are virtual and can be purchased online here:

Additional measures have been put in place to support key workers.

You can find our latest advice and information here:

Page last updated: 31 March 2020


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