Changes to parking fees and charges

Changes to parking fees and charges will take effect from 1 April 2024. Read more about the changes (official public record, published 7 March)

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Peckham West parking study and healthier streets consultation

Proposed parking zone

In January and February 2019 we carried out a study on the possible introduction of a parking zone and ideas for making the streets healthier in a network of streets in the streets bounded by the Dog Kennel Hill parking zone, the Peckham parking zone, Grove Vale and East Dulwich Road.

The proposals took into account the need to accommodate carers, occasional workers such as tradespeople in the area and other visitors. We used evidence from other zones in the borough that has shown that parking space increased by 40% to take the opportunity to improve the environment for walking, with places to rest and greening, and to add more cycle parking for a range of cycles. The proposals therefore aimed to both improve parking for residents and support businesses while creating more healthy streets for people from all walks of life encouraging active travel and improving wellbeing.


The consultation ran for four weeks from 11 January to 7 February 2019, including an extension of one week to account for late delivery of consultation packs. All postal addresses within the study area were sent a consultation pack containing the following:

  • Questionnaire (PDF, 144kb) - to be completed on-line or by post; it gives an opportunity for all residents and businesses to select their preferred day/time of operation and zone design should the zone go ahead, as well as to provide feedback on healthy street proposals, visitors to the area will also be able to have their say
  • Consultation information (PDF, 557kb) - including information on permits and pricing, proposed healthier streets ideas and locations, proposals to support high street economy, effect on health, wellbeing and the wider economy, details of drop-in session and business consultation meeting
  • Myth busting document (PDF, 37kb)
  • Feasibility drawings (proposed layout) (PDF, 2.9mb)

The above information and an online questionnaire were also available on the council’s consultation hub. Links to the consultation hub page were available on this page via a “Have your say” call button. 

The questionnaire was open to responses from residents, businesses, organisations and visitors to the area.

The council displayed posters in notice boards in the area as well as banners on railing in Bellenden Road, Goose Green play area and on East Dulwich Road. Tweets were scheduled at least once weekly on the council twitter page @lb_southwark. The Peckham and Nunhead Community Council also posted notification of the consultation. The posters (PDF, 128kb), banners (PDF, 122kb), tweets and facebook posts included a link to the online consultation hub.

Independently of the council, residents and visitors were further informed of the consultation by traders’ posters in shopfronts at Lordship Lane and via discussions on the East Dulwich forum.

Project process

We have a thorough process to follow when deciding whether to implement a new parking zone. The key processes, past, present and future, and predicted timescales are summarised as follows:

  • Late 2018 - Consultation methods and boundaries agreed by the Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport Management and Air Quality
  • January - February 2019 - Informal consultation including drop-in session as well as a presentation at Empowering Communities meetings
  • Spring 2019 - Interim headline results communicated to Community Council (PDF, 733kb)
  • Summer 2019 - Consultation findings and recommendations reported to cabinet member for decision making; the decision report, final consultation report (PDF, 766kb) and the amended design, will be made available online at Moderngov
  • Autumn 2019 - statutory consultation, subject to outcome of decision making; objections must relate only to the elements of the scheme that are subject to the statutory consultation
  • Autumn 2019 - Determination of objections
  • Winter 2019/20 - Objection report published online at Moderngov
  • 6 February 2020 - Letter (PDF, 239kb) sent to residents and businesses within the zone informing of the installation and live date. This letter includes the process on how to apply for the permits
  • 10 February 2020 - Start of Installation period
  • 2 March 2020 - Parking permits available
  • 30 March 2020 - Parking Zone live
  • Autumn 2020 - Review of the parking zone (informal consultation)

Page last updated: 31 March 2020


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