Changes to parking fees and charges

Changes to parking fees and charges will take effect from 1 April 2024. Read more about the changes (official public record, published 7 March)

We are moving websites

Please bear with us through this transition. We are actively investigating and resolving issues. 

Local parking amendments

When will my LPA be carried out

We have a quarterly programme of works during 2016/17 as follows:  

Quarter 1 (for items received during April and May 2016)

• site investigations - April to May 2016
• reports to community council - June to July 2016
• traffic orders - July to August 2016
• implementation - September to October 2016  

Quarter 2 (for items received between June and August 2016)

• site investigations - June to August 2016
• reports to community council - September to October 2016
• traffic orders - October to November 2016
• implementation - December 2016 to January 2017

 Quarter 3 (for items received between September and December 2016)

• site investigations - September and December 2016
• reports to community council - January to February 2017
• traffic orders - March to April 2017
• implementation - May to June 2017

Quarter 4 (for items received between January and March 2017)

• site investigations - January and March 2017
• reports to Community Council - April 2017
• traffic orders - May to June 2017
• implementation - July to August 2017

Page last updated: 12 July 2023


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