Changes to parking fees and charges

Changes to parking fees and charges will take effect from 1 April 2024. Read more about the changes (official public record, published 7 March)

We are moving websites

Please bear with us through this transition. We are actively investigating and resolving issues. 

Decision making for parking projects

Parking zones

We understand that parking controls are a controversial issue, so we'll consult extensively before introducing any new parking zones.

For each proposed new parking zone we will follow the process outlined below.

Cabinet member approval

The proposed parking zone boundary is agreed by the Head of Highways and the Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport Management and Air Quality based on road safety and resident and ward member requests.

Public consultation

A consultation document detailing how a parking zone works and the costs involved is sent to every postal address within the boundary along with an outline design and consultation questionnaire.

Residents and businesses then have a minimum of three weeks to let us know what they think about parking in the area before a report is created showing a breakdown of opinion in the area. At this stage, you can have your say on whether you want to see a parking zone, the operating days and hours of any potential parking zone, plus register comments on the outline design. People from outside the area can also provide feedback and these responses will be considered and presented in the final report alongside responses from residents.

Whilst the views of residents are important, the council will also need to consider a range of other factors before deciding whether to implement any parking zone.

Consultation results to the Community Council

The proposal or outcome of the consultation will be announced at the local community council meeting where local ward councillors can take part in discussions. You are welcome to attend this meeting, and ask questions or submit comments about the proposals. The meetings are open to anyone who lives, works, studies or travels through the community council area, and are an important part of the council’s consultation and decision making process.

Individual decision making

If a zone is being recommended for implementation, council officers will then submit an Individual Decision Making report to the Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport Management and Air Quality seeking approval. This report will also contain a detailed design which will have been amended using comments received from residents and businesses in the area.  The cabinet member will then take a formal decision on whether to proceed.

Statutory consultation

If the Cabinet Member instructs officers to implement a parking zone, we will carry out statutory consultation as defined in national legislation (known as the traffic orders regulations).

If objections are received at the statutory consultation stage, a further report will be presented to the Cabinet Member asking for determination of the objections.


Should no statutory objections be received, or if the Cabinet Member determines to reject the objections, a traffic order will be made and implementation of parking restrictions can then commence.

Page last updated: 03 October 2019


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