Changes to parking fees and charges

Changes to parking fees and charges will take effect from 1 April 2024. Read more about the changes (official public record, published 7 March)

We are moving websites

Please bear with us through this transition. We are actively investigating and resolving issues. 

Croxted Road - CPZ ‘HH’ extension

Following a petition from local residents, Southwark Council is proposing to extend controlled parking zone ‘HH’ south of the railway bridge to the junction with Turney Road, and we would like to know what you think.

What is a controlled parking zone (CPZ)

A parking zone is a network of streets covered by parking controls, which operate at certain times of day to prioritise parking for residents and businesses. Each street is marked out with either parking bays or double yellow lines.

We have been working with Lambeth Council on this proposal, who will also be consulting on the implementation of a controlled parking zone extension on the west side of Croxted Road, which means that the parking restrictions will cover both sides of the road and permit holders will have the flexibility to park on either side of the road.

We are proposing to implement Shared Use bays in this section of Croxted Road that can be used by resident/business permit holders, visitors who pay by phone and Blue Badge holders. We think this offers the most flexibility for residents, businesses and their visitors. Anywhere where we consider parking to be unsafe will be marked with double yellow lines.

As this is an extension of an existing parking zone the bays in Croxted Road would operate Monday to Friday, 12 noon to 2pm.

How does a CPZ work

Between the hours of 12 noon and 2pm Monday to Friday parking will be limited only to those who have purchased a permit.

Page last updated: 03 October 2019


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