Changes to parking fees and charges

Changes to parking fees and charges will take effect from 1 April 2024. Read more about the changes (official public record, published 7 March)

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Borough and Bankside (C2) CPZ review

The Borough and Bankside (C) Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) was introduced in 1974. The zone was subject to a review in 2001 when the CPZ split into two smaller zones Bankside (C1) and Borough (C2), in order to reduce the effects of inter-zone commuting. The last review of the C2 zone was undertaken in 2006, when minor changes to the parking layout were made.

The Borough (C2) parking zone currently operates from Monday to Friday, between 8.30am and 6.30pm


Southwark Council conducted a review of the operating hours and days of the C2 parking zone in mid-2016. A flyer was sent to every address in the parking zone with a link to our online consultation. The results of the consultation showed that there was very little support for a change in the operating hours or times of the parking zone and thus no change was proposed.

We have however proposed the upgrade of all single yellow lines across the zone to double yellow lines as well as the extension of several parking bays; this is to ensure that parking only occurs in marked bays and not in unsafe locations such as corners and across driveways.

The Cabinet Member for Environment and Public Realm approved the proposed changes across the zone as shown in this report.

Following the approval of this report, statutory consultation commenced on 1 February 2018 and finished on 22 February 2018.

You can view the notice of proposal and drawings (PDF, 3.9mb) of all proposed changes.

All representations received during this period were considered and the Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport Management and Air Quality instructed officers to proceed with the implementation of revised proposals. Details can be found on this page of our website.

Implementation of the proposals is likely to commence in late 2018.

If you would like any further information please email or telephone 020 7525 2665


Page last updated: 03 October 2019


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