Changes to parking fees and charges

Changes to parking fees and charges will take effect from 1 April 2024. Read more about the changes (official public record, published 7 March)

We are moving websites

Please bear with us through this transition. We are actively investigating and resolving issues. 

Parking with a Blue Badge

If you have a valid Blue Badge or are driving a passenger who holds a valid badge, you can park in:

  • any disabled bay (observe time limits on signs in short-stay disabled bays)
  • Pay-by-Phone bays - free of charge and no time limit
  • shared use (permit holders or Pay-by-Phone) - free of charge and with no time limit
  • free bays/shopper bays (30 minutes, 1 hour and 2 hour) - free of charge and with no time limit
  • waiting restrictions (single or double yellow lines) - up to three hours, provided the clock card is displayed and set to the time of arrival

When parking, ensure your badge is displayed on your dashboard with all information visible.

Where Blue Badge holders can't park

  • permit holder parking bays
  • anywhere that obstructs the road
  • on a yellow line with a loading restriction in operation (indicated by yellow kerb stripes and white signs)

Blue Badge concessions may vary in other local authorities, so check if you're visiting another borough.

You can find more information by visiting the Blue Badge scheme on the government website.

London congestion charge exemption

Blue Badge holders can qualify for a discount from the London congestion charge. You must apply with TFL at least 10 days before your journey and pay a one-time £10 registration fee.

Exemption from Dulwich and Walworth Low Traffic Neighbourhoods

We've developed an exemption for residents living within these Low Traffic Neighbourhoods. Please see details on how to apply.

Parking in European countries

The Blue Badge scheme is recognised throughout Europe. The Institute of Advanced Motorists, an independent road safety charity, publishes a booklet with detailed information on using the Blue Badge in EU countries.

Page last updated: 02 May 2024


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