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Campaign to support robbed food bank in Peckham launched

11 September 2024

In the early hours of Sunday 8 September, thieves targeted a much-loved food bank in Peckham.

Thieves targeted Southwark Foodbank warehouse in the early hours on Sunday, making off with thousands of pounds worth of food and hygiene products as well as a charity laptop.

The matter has been reported to police who sent a scenes of crime officer and an investigating officer on Tuesday. Security at the warehouse has been strengthened over the last 24 hours.

Pecan is a Christian charity which marks its 35th anniversary this year. It exists to help the whole community – regardless of faith, race or nationality. The only criterion is to be in-need. Southwark Council supports the community hub with around £400,000, for the food bank, running the Southwark Food Alliance, employment support for families and carers and bringing people together.

Councillor Evelyn Akoto, cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: “I’m deeply saddened that someone chose to steal from such a wonderful, charitable organisation this week. Pecan directly supports those who are in the greatest need, without food or basic items for their families, and offers wider support to families and carers. We will do everything in our power to help them.

“It’s a desperate situation that people are still reliant on food banks in this day and age, but the fact is, many people and their families go without. Pecan has supported those in need for many years, working closely with the council to ensure that nobody goes hungry or without a listening ear and some kindness. We will continue with the work we already do to help those on the breadline.

“I’d urge residents to support Pecan while they find their feet and help to replenish their stock by making donations of all kinds, in show of our appreciation for a vital part of the community.”

The charity has now launched an online fundraising drive to which anyone can contribute via its page on the Bankuet platform, the details of which are below.

“We have been left devastated by the break-in”, said chief executive Peter Edwards.

“Staff and volunteers work with Pecan to help people facing hardship. It was a hammer blow to morale to discover the theft – but we are determined Pecan will rebuild stronger.

“If you want to be part of the recovery effort then please make a donation online via Bankuet or consider giving your time or expertise to Pecan.”

Pecan was set up by churches in response to the severe deprivation, unemployment and social unrest which disfigured Southwark in the 1980s. Pecan’s name is acronymic and stands for Peckham Churches Action Network.

Its partnerships are ecumenical and its work embraces clients of all faiths and none. Projects include foodbanks; a social supermarket; Women’s Services; employment support; and a community café to tackle the scourge of loneliness.

Donate on the Bankuet platform here:


Southwark Foodbank - Pecan

Page last updated: 11 September 2024

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