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Sport and Physical Activity Strategy

Sport and Physical Activity Strategy 2019 to 2023

Active Southwark Strategy logo

Our ambition is for a fairer future for all of our residents. Through supporting healthy life choices we can help our residents to live their lives to the full for as long as possible.

Helping our residents lead healthy, active lives is a top priority for us. This strategy sets out the borough wide vision and direction for achieving greater participation and enjoyment in physical activity and sport.

This document is a public document and can be used by anyone that wants to use the power of physical activity to benefit people, places and communities in Southwark:

Playing Pitch Strategy

The Playing Pitch Strategy is a strategic assessment that provides an up to date analysis of supply and demand for playing pitches (grass and artificial) in the local authority. You can view the strategy here:

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Page last updated: 05 February 2024


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