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Making Every Contact Count (MECC) training

Find out about free training we run for staff and volunteers in the public, voluntary and community sector, to support residents’ health and wellbeing.

Southwark’s Making Every Contact Count (MECC) programme aims to give staff and volunteers of Southwark-based organisations the knowledge and skills they need to have brief and meaningful conversations with residents about health and wellbeing.

The range of topics include:

  • healthy living (diet, physical activity, stopping smoking or drug and alcohol use)
  • mental health, loneliness or social isolation
  • money worries, fuel or food poverty
  • housing or employment
  • falls or frailty
  • vaccination, screening and health checks

Every day, staff and volunteers in Southwark talk to hundreds of local people who are dealing with various challenges. MECC is about using the power of these short conversations to give brief advice and help residents access the support they need.

How talking to others can help them

A brief chat with someone could benefit them in many ways. It might:

  • give them the chance to talk about what is on their mind
  • highlight some helpful information
  • build their confidence to make a change they are already thinking about
  • connect them with a local service

What you will learn from the training

We run free three-hour training courses to:

  • help you to understand the principles of MECC and use the Ask-Advise-Assist approach
  • allow you to reflect on what you do well when talking to residents about their health and wellbeing and highlight any areas for development
  • introduce you to the services in Southwark that can support residents’ health and wellbeing
  • allow you to access resources that facilitate good MECC conversations and help you to signpost residents onwards

Who the training is for

The training is for any frontline staff and volunteers working for us or for commissioned, public sector or voluntary and community sector services in Southwark.

How to book your training place

We can tailor the time, place and content of the training to your team’s needs. To find out how to register for the training, email publichealth@southwark.gov.uk.

Join the Southwark MECC Network

The Southwark MECC Network aims to bring together staff and volunteers who are interested in using the MECC approach in their work. Members get quarterly e-newsletters with conversation tips and information about training opportunities and get access to a suite of local signposting resources. You don’t need to have done the training to become a member.

Join the MECC network to receive get updates and signposting resources


Page last updated: 30 April 2024


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