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Help someone sleeping rough

The Hidden Network

There's a hidden network that's transforming the lives of people sleeping rough in Southwark. Together, we can help more rough sleepers overcome the issues that led them to the streets and empower them to build a brighter future.

A hidden network of dedicated professionals and volunteers is working around the clock to end rough sleeping in Southwark. They provide services such as counselling, befriending and addiction recovery, and they help with securing long-term employment and accommodation.

The network's partners are Manna Centre, St Mungo's and Southwark Council.

Despite Southwark Council spending a considerable amount of resources on the issue of rough sleeping, more still needs to be done. You can make a big difference by giving to the registered charities working with us, which will help more people get off the streets for good.

The Hidden Network tirelessly provides life-changing, long-term solutions

"The most rewarding part of my job is seeing people achieve positive things. Paying their bills, cooking for themselves... just becoming a part of society again."

Rough sleeping is a difficult cycle to break. Together, we can transform the lives of more people sleeping rough in Southwark, who urgently need our help.

CHAT - it can make a big difference

Acknowledging someone who is sleeping rough can reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation.

It could be a smile or a wave or, if you feel comfortable, say 'hello' and have a conversation.

They all play a major part in improving someone's self-esteem and helping them feel less alone.

APP - if you're concerned about someone sleeping rough

If you're concerned about someone sleeping rough please alert StreetLink using their app. You can also alert Streetlink on their StreetLink website. Your alert will help local outreach teams try to connect with those you're worried about.

Find more information about StreetLink (PDF, 5.1mb).

The details you provide are sent to the outreach service for the area in which you've seen the person, to help them find the individual and connect them to support. It's important to note that if you think the person you're concerned about is under 18, please do not contact StreetLink but instead call the police.

TAP - wherever you see a giving point

Over the coming months, you will see tap machines appear across Southwark. Use your contactless card to give directly to registered charities and local services, wherever you see a giving point.

Donating money this way helps the network to engage directly with people sleeping rough, providing long-term support that will help rebuild people's lives.

Donate - we're supporting these charities that are part of the hidden network

Your support will help to bring a real change for people sleeping rough in Southwark.

St Mungo’s works to end homelessness and support people in their recovery as they rebuild their lives.

You can find more information about healthcare options over the winter

Donate to St Mungo's

The Manna Society is a registered UK charity that run a day centre near London Bridge providing breakfast and lunch, showers, clothing, housing and welfare advice, medical care and access to computers.

Any help that you can give will benefit some of the poorest and most marginalised people in our society.

Donate to the Manna Society

Did you know?

Living on the streets is unsafe, with a higher risk of abuse. Tragically, 47 is the average age of the death of a rough sleeper.

Our strategy

Read about our detailed action plan to deliver a significant reduction in rough sleeping and address the harm it brings to individuals and communities in Southwark.

Find out more about the Housing Solutions service.

Page last updated: 03 November 2023


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