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Car Free Day 2024

To celebrate World Car-Free Day on 22 September 2024, Southwark Council is encouraging residents to have a Play Street or Street Party. This will allow you to enjoy your street without vehicles passing through.

On the car-free weekend, roads can be closed between 10am and 6pm for a street party, and Play Streets can be held for three hours at times to suit each street, between 10am and 6pm.

If you'd like to plan a Play Street or Street party between 20 September and 22 September, you can find the details of how to apply below.

Play Streets

World Car Free Day is Sunday 22 September 2024 and will be marked in London over the weekend of Friday 20 September to Sunday 22 September.

It’s a great opportunity to see what happens on your street when the traffic stops for a few hours. In many boroughs, councils are encouraging residents to get involved and apply to try out a play street or have a street party.

You can apply on our Play Streets page or for further information email TTMO@southwark.gov.uk

London Play is a registered charity that supports the implementation of Play Streets. Their website explains procedures and further resources they can provide.

In Southwark, the council is keen to see residents give it a try. Applicants must inform their neighbours and apply to the council by 4 September. Find more information about Play Streets. Sign up to London Play’s free resources area to download resident letters, flyers and other resources to help you plan your play street.

Street parties

To apply for a street party:

  • complete applications must be received by 4 September
  • there must be three named organisers who should all be over 18 and residents of the street that would be closed.
  • the three named organisers cannot be from the same address and we must have their contact details on the application form
  • at least one of the named organisers must be present at any one time during the street party
  • a street party is not a public event and should not be advertised other than directly to the residents of the street
  • street parties are not allowed to continue after dusk; parties between the 20 and 22 of September must end at 6pm
  • all charges are waived and there are no fees to pay to apply to close your street
  • roads that are on bus routes cannot be closed for a street party
  • major roads cannot be closed
  • if the road closure would require a significant diversion or a lot of traffic management equipment it may not be possible to grant the closure

Street parties offer a great opportunity to meet your neighbours and Southwark Council encourages them in the borough. It's important that we ensure they're both safe and legal. Below you'll find information on how to apply to have your road closed for a party.

The great news is, that all charges are waived and there are no fees to apply to close your street.

Organisers must read and meet the responsibilities and conditions before applying.

Guidance and application

Getting permission

  • consult with your neighbours in writing. This must be delivered to every house/flat/premises on the street and must give contact details for at least one of the organisers and the council; a letter template is available below
  • email your application and a copy of your consultation letter to events@southwark.gov.uk by the deadline; the application form is available on this page
  • the council will notify you in writing whether the application is successful or not; the decision of the council is final

Organisers' responsibilities

  • a formal risk assessment is not required, but you should think about what could go wrong and plan accordingly; major things to consider are: fire, bad weather, electricity and vehicles entering, leaving and remaining within the area of your road closure
  • to close the road, barriers will be provided by FM Conway (subject to availability) during the week before the party
  • organisers are responsible for putting these into place to close the road at the agreed time
  • a clear route, at least 4 metres wide, must remain along the entire length of the road closure for emergency vehicle access
  • the barriers must be manned at all times during the closure, by a responsible person over the age of 18 and able to physically move the barriers
  • some residents and businesses may need to use their vehicles while the street is closed and this should be incorporated in your plans (eg adjusting the length of the road closure)
  • bunting and decoration should be fixed so they can be removed without marking or damaging street furniture; bunting must be at least 4.6 metres above the ground if hung across the street
  • noise and nuisance must be kept to a minimum - organisers are responsible for not creating a nuisance to residents in the area, through noise, litter or anti-social behaviour; organisers' contact details will be available to the police and the council’s enforcement teams
  • organisers are responsible for clearing up all litter and equipment from the party and removing the barriers to reopen the road; barriers will be collected from the delivery address within 5 working days
  • the closure can only be held on the approved day and times, do not close the road at any other times

Streets for People Strategy

This supports our Streets for People strategy, which sets out the council’s ambitious steps to improve the air we breathe in Southwark. Polluting vehicles contribute to nearly half of the air pollution in London, so we’re moving away from favouring cars and freeing up space for walking, cycling and public transport as well as for our communities to socialise and play, in safer, greener and more pleasant environments. Find more information about Streets for People.

How we use your data

Southwark Council will use your personal data (name, address, email address and telephone number) to enable you to apply for a street party. We require this information to fulfil a contract with you, and we do not require your permission to process this data. If you do not provide this information, you may not be allowed to hold a street party.

Your personal information will only be used to administer your application and will be reviewed or destroyed after 1 year.

If you're concerned about how the council uses your data, email our Data Protection Officer at dpo@southwark.gov.uk or phone 020 7525 5000. More information about your rights is available on our website, or via the Information Commissioner.

How was your street party?

The number of street parties in Southwark and across London has increased significantly in the last few years. To make sure we continue to support this demand effectively, we're asking all street party organisers in Southwark to complete a short questionnaire about their party and the process they went through to have their road closed.

Please follow this link to complete the questionnaire.

Contact us

Page last updated: 14 August 2024


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