We are moving websites

Please bear with us through this transition. We are actively investigating and resolving issues. 

Piano People, RALLY, Body Movements, Bermondsey Carnival 2024 (Southwark Park)

Community benefits

Community benefits

  1. Free tickets will be offered to residents bordering the north side of the park around the event site. Discounted resident tickets will be available to all SE16 postcode households.
  2. The Rally event supports the delivery of the Bermondsey Carnival by providing use of the event site free of charge.
  3. There will be opportunities for local community and charity groups to promote their work and services at the event.
  4. Local businesses who can meet the requirements for supplies and/or services will be favoured above those from further afield.
  5. Local traders who submit applications to trade at the event will be favoured above those from further afield. (They must meet product, safety and hygiene requirements).
  6. There will be opportunities for local artists and creatives to be involved with the event.
  7. The Rally team will seek to staff the event locally wherever possible. This includes local production crew, security, stewarding and bar staff. They will work with the providers of these services and seek to target local people for recruitment. A mechanism will be put in place for jobs being awarded to the most local applicants in the first instance. The Rally team will aim for all primary suppliers and agencies to pay their staff London Wage as a minimum.
  8. The Rally team will pay the council an Environmental Impact Fee (EIF). This is paid in addition to the site hire fee. It is ring-fenced to be spent by the council’s Parks team on projects or works which will enhance Southwark Park.
  9. The Rally team will pay the council a commercial-rate site hire fee. The hire fee goes directly towards
    • funding the council’s free events programme
    • supporting subsidised fees for community events
    • off-setting the running costs of the Events service, which supports the delivery of the community events programme

Page last updated: 18 April 2024


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