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How we will prepare Southwark

Our vision is for a just, equal and resilient Southwark. A borough where all residents are protected from the changing climate and have the same opportunities to thrive . The impacts of climate change do not impact all people in the same way, and inequalities could be made worse without us taking action now.

We cannot achieve this alone. We will only be able to do it by working with partners in London such as the Greater London Authority, London Councils and other boroughs. We will need to work with major organisations in the borough such as universities, schools and NHS trusts. We will partner with government, the Environment Agency and others. We will also work with local businesses and residents. As well as all those committed to building a fairer and more sustainable Southwark.

To tackle each climate risk, we have set clear goals and key actions. When taking action, we will make sure that we will:

  1. deliver action that puts our most vulnerable neighbourhoods first, and helps to make Southwark fairer as well as greener
  2. use the best evidence and data available about climate change and our borough
  3. work as one council to make sure climate change resilience is included in all work across the council. We will also continue to work closely with partners to address shared problems

Below are the goals and key actions we have set out to tackling each climate risk.



Water scarcity

Trade and food security

Pests and diseases


We will tackle overheating by cooling buildings, giving respite from heat and preparing for extreme heat. This means:

  • we will identify and support communities that are most at risk
  • residents will be able to escape from extreme heat in cooler spaces, inside or outside
  • buildings will stay cool while reducing their carbon emissions
  • the borough’s infrastructure will have adapted to cope with extreme heat

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We will reduce the risk of flooding by improving drainage, reducing the demand on the sewer system and improving our flood defences. This means:

  • less rainwater will flow on the ground, and more land will soak up water
  • demand will be reduced on the sewer system
  • flood defences will be improved with more sustainable drainage systems

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Water scarcity

We will conserve more water and adapt our green spaces to be drought-resistant. This means:

  • wasting less water, including greater use of waste water and water from rain
  • parks, gardens and green spaces will be adapted to be drought resistant

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Trade and food security

We will improve food security by reducing wastage and growing our local supply. This means:

  • people will buy locally, which means our local businesses will get stronger and more money will stay in our borough
  • we will use as much local food as possible and grow more food in our community
  • there will be more spaces for communities to share food and reduce food waste

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Pests and diseases

We will protect public health and our plants and wildlife from new pests and diseases. This means:

  • our plants and wildlife will be protected from new pests and diseases

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What is the strategy?

What are the climate threats?

Download and read our strategy, as well as other documents

Page last updated: 15 March 2024


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