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Additional information about public questions

A register of questions is kept by the constitutional team and is open for public inspection. For further information on the register please contact the constitutional team.

The chair may reject a question if it

  • is not about a matter for which the council has responsibility or which affects the borough
  • is defamatory, frivolous or offensive
  • is substantially the same as a question which has been put at a meeting of the council assembly in the past six months or three months for executive meetings
  • requires the disclosure of confidential or exempt information
  • concerns a planning or licensing application
  • raises a grievance for which there are other established processes for resolution
  • relates to an investigation (whether completed or not) by, or ruling of, the standards committee or sub-committee, insofar as those comments relate to the behaviour or conduct of an individual member or members.

Page last updated: 28 November 2017


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