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CGS self-delivery grants

Constituted groups can apply for self-delivery grants such as:

  • estate greening, community gardens, landscaping, food growing and wildlife areas
  • community facilities improvements, youth facilities, recycling and artwork
  • transforming unused areas, security measures and tackling ‘grot spots’
  • school improvements, including planting and signage for clean air zones, sports and play equipment and outdoor classrooms

CGS funding is restricted. It can only be spent on capital improvements, which means permanent, physical changes. It also means that it must be spent on the original proposal, or on the elements selected for funding by your local councillors.

Individuals cannot receive funding in the form of a grant. If you have an idea which you want to deliver with your neighbours or community, your application must be submitted by a constituted group. You must organise this before submitting your application as not doing so may delay your project if successful.

The application process

  1. Apply using our online form - tick the self-deliver option under Question 5 if you would like to receive your funding as a grant.
  2. If your organisation is eligible for a grant, an Initial Assessment form will be sent to you requesting additional information about your organisation
  3. If your idea has an element of public art, there are additional requirements. You will need approval from the Culture and Events team and advice on the commissioning process and budget. For grants over £5,000, you will be required to deliver the project according to the best practice guidance in public art commissioning. Read our Public Art Policy to find out more. Unless a design competition has taken place, please do not name an artist in the application. An artists’ brief should be developed to advertise the commission opportunity once the grant is awarded. If this process has already taken place and a winning design selected, we'll require evidence of this as part of your supporting documents. For further information, email the culture team at culture@southwark.gov.uk
  4. Local ward councillors consider proposals and costs for all shortlisted projects in their areas. Decisions are made in the spring following the application period.
  5. All applicants are notified of the decisions. Successful applicants are emailed further instructions. Applicants are not to start their projects until the grants officer has agreed the project programme and costs.

Successful grants

If you are awarded a grant, you'll be emailed a pack including:

  1. A grant letter outlining the conditions of your grant
  2. A conditions of Grant Funding document which includes:
    • a cost breakdown - the budget
    • a timetable for all project stages from start up to completion - the programme
  3. A list of organisational documents needed in order to release the grant, for example:
    • constitution / memorandum & articles
    • audited accounts or financial statement
    • equal opportunities policy / statement
    • up to date insurances, including theft, fire, employer's liability and third party damages, which cover the extent of the proposed project

Southwark managed schools only need to return the completed and signed Conditions of Grant Funding document.

You must return a signed and completed Conditions of Grant Funding document. Your grants officer will confirm that all the information is in order and give you the go ahead to start your project.

The funds for your project will become available from the beginning of the next financial year, in April. Please note any expenditure before the start of the financial year of your grant will not be reimbursed.

Your grants officer will let you know how your funding will be released to you. Normally, CGS grants are paid on completion of works. However, we understand this is not always feasible for every organisation. Please discuss your payment schedule with your grants officer when you submit your Conditions of Grant Funding pack to avoid delays.

You'll be asked to provide ‘proof of spend’ (receipts) for each payment you request. We recommend that you send this in advance of submitting your invoice so that your grants officer can validate your expenditure against your cost breakdown.

Your project must be completed within two years of being awarded or your grant may be withdrawn. You should aim to deliver your project within one year of award.

Managing your grant

Once you've been given the go ahead to start your project, your grants officer will be your point of contact for advice and regular updates.

You will need the landowner’s permission to deliver the project before works begin. Please ask your grants officer for information and advice on this.

If you wish to make changes to your project, you'll need to discuss this with your grants officer first. Significant changes to your project must be referred to your ward councillors - your grants officer can help with this.

If the cost of your works is over £5,000, we'll ask you to provide three written quotations. This is to ensure best value for your project. If there is a good reason why this will not be possible (e.g. the works will be delivered by specialists), discuss this with your grants officer at the earliest opportunity.

Once you have finished your project, we'll ask you to tell us about it in an end of project report. This is your chance to tell us about your successes and experience of managing your project.

Celebrating your project

Many groups celebrate the completion of their project with an event. This is your chance to thank your local ward councillors for supporting your project and to show them how their funding has improved your area.

An event can be:

  • community event or estate party
  • planting day
  • a small gathering of the residents who directly benefit from the project
  • Tenants and Residents Association meeting

Please let the grants officer know if you are planning publicity for your event.

Page last updated: 18 September 2024

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