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Southwark Multi Faith Forum (SMFF)

The development of the Southwark Multi Faith Forum (SMFF) was led by and for faith based organisations such as churches, mosques, temples and other community organisations who define themselves in some way by their religion or faith. 

The development was supported in every stage by Southwark Council. Members of the developing forum believe that by working together on practical community activities and on lobbying government bodies for policies that will help those most in need, we can achieve more for the people of Southwark than we can acting alone.

At present, the forum is still in its developmental phase and is being managed by a group of ten individuals from Southwark's different faith communities. 

Who's involved in the forum

There are four Christian representatives, nominated by the Christian Borough Deans to represent all denominations of the Christian faith and three Muslim representatives nominated by Southwark Muslim Forum. There are also representatives from the Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, Bahai and Sikh communities present.

We are looking to find representatives from the Jain, Zoroastrian and Rastafarian communities. If you are interested please contact the Community Engagement team on 020 7525 5554 or communityengagement@southwark.gov.uk.

Forum objectives

  • to promote good relations between different religious and ethnic groups
  • to support religious organisations in the borough to get further involved in projects to improve the quality of life for Southwark residents, particularly the socially excluded
  • to support religious organisations in the borough to access further funds to help them develop projects to improve the quality of life of Southwark residents
  • to lobby the local authority and other government and voluntary agencies to ensure that the views and needs of faith communities are recognised in their policies and their actions
  • to elect the faith representative(s) to Southwark Alliance (Southwark's Local Strategic Partnership), to advise these representatives on relevant issues and to receive feedback from the representatives

Page last updated: 19 September 2017


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