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Crime prevention advice

Safety on the street

There are things we can all do to stop us from becoming victims of crime, as well as tackling anti-social behaviour.

Your car

  • anything you leave on view in your car will be an invitation for someone to steal it
  • don't tempt thieves by hiding things in your car
  • take the front off your stereo if it's removable
  • never leave your car unlocked or unattended, even if you're getting petrol
  • if you don't have a security system in your car, invest in a steering lock and use it

Your motorbike

  • use a lock to anchor it to something solid like a lamp post 
  • if you can't park your bike off the street, park it in a well-lit area, preferably covered
  • etch your licence plate number on the outside of the bike - this puts thieves off

The Home Office offers clear advice about keeping your vehicles and motorbikes safe.

Anti-social behaviour

Anti-social behaviour affects people in different ways. For some, it means living with neighbours who are a nuisance; for others, it's about graffiti, litter or abandoned cars on the street. Anti-social behaviour includes the following activities:

  • vandalism
  • harassment including racial harassment
  • street drinking
  • dog fouling
  • reckless or dangerous riding of motorbikes and scooters
  • fly-tipping (illegal rubbish dumping)
  • begging
  • arson

What we're doing about it

We're aware that local residents are concerned by some people's lack of respect for where they live and the people living around them.

We take your concerns seriously and alongside the police, we're using the full extent of our resources and powers to make Southwark a better place to live, work and visit for everyone.

We have the following powers:

  • fixed penalty notices and on the spot fines
  • prosecution
  • seizure of equipment and vehicles
  • termination of tenancy agreements
  • issuing anti-social behaviour orders and acceptable behaviour contracts
  • injunctions

What you can do to help us

  • call 020 7525 5777 to report anti-social behaviour
  • call 999 for emergency assistance where there's the likelihood of immediate injury or damage to property or for crimes in progress

Page last updated: 22 September 2021


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