Southwark managed move protocol - best practice
What is a managed move?
A managed move is a formal agreement between two schools, a child and his/her parents that allows a child at risk of permanent exclusion to transfer to another school for a trial period of six school weeks. If the move is deemed to be a success, at the end of this period, the child will formally transfer to the proposed school. If, during this period, the move is unsuccessful, the child will return to their home school. Although this guidance is not compulsory and there is no statutory requirement to inform the LA of a managed move agreed independently between schools, this guidance provides a framework for best practice in relation to such arrangements and aims to assist in the fair and equitable implementation of managed moves in Southwark.
Managed moves between schools can be used as an intervention to reduce the risk of a child being permanently excluded. DfE guidance (2022) indicates that ‘headteachers should also consider… managed moves (permanent measure) as preventative measures to exclusion'.
As a LA, Southwark is committed to supporting schools and families in the facilitation of managed moves as a central tenet of our strategy to prevent permanent exclusion. We recognise that the timely identification of problems and provision of the right help at the right time is crucial in ensuring such moves have the highest possible likelihood of sustaining a positive outcome for young people in this particularly vulnerable group.
A managed move requires the agreement of the child’s parent, the head teacher of the child’s current school (the home school seeking a managed move) and the head teacher of the school that has agreed to receive the child as part of the move (the proposed school). If the child has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), the SEN caseworker must also consent to the move and follow statutory procedures for amending the plan. Parents must not be pressured into accepting a managed move. With parental agreement, home schools are able to make their own informal arrangements whereby a pupil has a trial period in the proposed school. School leaders will need to ensure that this option is outlined in the relevant published school policies. In such cases, during the trial period, the proposed school will need to keep a space available for any other school application that may be made. The LA recommends that any trial period lasts no longer than a term. Managed moves should only occur when it is in the pupil’s best interests.
It is vital that there is an open and honest dialogue with all concerned when managed moves are negotiated. Managed moves depend on mutual trust and respect between the schools concerned, the family and other stakeholders. This trust is maximised by the effective sharing of relevant information. Of utmost importance are the child’s and family’s views and it is important that they are a meaningful part of the planning and monitoring process. Managed moves present pupils who are most at risk of exclusion with the opportunity for a ‘fresh start’.
There is no requirement from the DfE for schools to use managed moves. However, in Southwark, the local authority recommends that schools consider their use as an alternative to permanent exclusion for all cases in keeping with the inclusion procedures outlined above. This document indicates where schools can access support to implement and monitor them.
Page last updated: 07 November 2024