Time for action on inequalities in maternity care

Read Southwark Maternity Commission’s report and recommendations, aimed at tackling systemic issues facing women of colour.


Pre-schools often operate in places like local churches or community halls. Children in pre-schools are usually aged between 3 and 5 years, but there are also places for 2-year-olds in some settings.

Pre-schools enable children to:

  • play with other children and develop critical communication, thinking and independence skills
  • develop friendships with others
  • have access to a range of high-quality, stimulating learning experiences

It's also an opportunity to get to know other parents or carers in your area. Some parents arrange for children to go to pre-school with a childminder or other child carer.

Many pre-schools are supported by the pre-school learning alliance. Other pre-schools are maintained in the private sector.

List of pre-schools

Download our list of pre-school playgroups (xlsx, 12kb) (including fees, opening hours and Ofsted grades).

Page last updated: 30 August 2024


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