Explosives and fireworks licence
Premises storing explosives (fireworks and flares, airbag inflators) are required to be licensed.
If licensed, fireworks can be sold during the four seasonal occasions:
- 15 October to 10 November inclusive
- 26 December to 31 December inclusive
- on the first day of the Chinese New Year and the 3 days immediately preceding it
- on the day of Diwali and the 3 days immediately preceding it
Selling outside the above dates without a licence is a criminal offence.
If you'd like to sell fireworks all year round, a further £500 fireworks annual suppliers licence is required.
Before applying for a licence to store fireworks or other pyrotechnic articles, read the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) guidance documents on storing and selling fireworks safely.
Sale of fireworks
There are legal requirements for the sale of fireworks, which include:
- fireworks may not be sold to any person under the age of 18 years
- fireworks cannot be sold in the street or in any public place
- the name and address on any fireworks, when received from the manufacturer, must not be removed or altered
- the type of fireworks you can sell
- you must display warning notices in your premises
Find more information on firework sales and storage.
Advice on underage sales
Find more information on avoiding underage sales.
Page last updated: 16 April 2024