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Can I get Housing Benefit

Proofs we need to see

If you're applying for Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction or telling us about a change, we’ll need to see proof of your circumstances. If you’re making a new claim, we’ll tell you what you need to provide at the end of your claim.

Save time, submit online

You don’t need to visit our offices or send documents through the post. You can attach copies of documents to our online forms.

Examples of documents you can provide


Your / your partner's National Insurance number

Payslip, entitlement letter, National Insurance card, P60.

Your / your partner's identity (2 documents each)

Current passport, current driving licence, birth/marriage/civil partnership certificate, recent utility bill, Home Office papers, current bank statement.

Your / your partner's right to claim public funds if you're not a UK citizen

A letter from the Home Office confirming your status or a passport showing your leave to remain.


Your / your partner's training course / apprenticeship

A letter from the employer confirming the situation, the name of the scheme, any study details, the relevant dates and the amount of any apprenticeship/training allowance paid.

Your / your partner's student status

A document from your place of education confirming the course you're studying, the level and period of study (including term dates). You should also provide proof of all grants, loans, deeds or covenants.

Your / your partner's earnings

5 weekly, 3 fortnightly or 2 monthly payslips. If you don’t have these, a letter from your employer confirming the hours you work per week, your gross income and any deductions for the last 5 weeks, 3 fortnights or 2 months.

Your / your partner's self employed earnings

Accounts for the previous year’s trading. If these aren't available then you'll need to provide self-employed details.

Your / your partner's other benefits, state pensions and tax credits

For benefits, the latest award notice confirming the type of benefit and the date it started. For pensions and tax credits, a letter confirming how much you get, how this is paid and when it started.

Your / your partner's maintenance, occupational pension or private pension

A document confirming how much you get, how this is paid and when it started.

Your / your partner's other income

A document confirming how much you get, how this is paid and when it started. For example, money from a boarder, an injury payment, money from friends, relatives or charities.

Child Benefit and child care

Proof of Child Benefit for each child. If you pay for child care, proof of how much you pay, who it's paid to, the child's name and the times care is provided. Also, whether the care agreement changes during school holidays or other times of year.

Adults that live with you (known as non dependants) income

Proof of income for each non dependant adult that is living with you as part of your household, unless their total gross income is £406 or more a week. If you have any other adults living with you, your Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction award may be reduced. The reduction is called a non-dependant deduction and is based on the non dependant’s income.

Capital, savings and investments

The last two months statements for any money you or your partner have in a bank, building society, post office, savings plan, premium bonds, ISAs, shares, stocks, unit trusts, properties.


A current signed tenancy agreement that includes the property address, your name, the landlord's name and address, tenancy start date, the amount of rent, when it is payable and the services included. If you’d like us to share information with your landlord you’ll need to give us permission to do so.

Make a claim for Housing Benefit

Page last updated: 02 March 2023


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