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Dog Kennel Hill bus lane widening

Consultation summary

The views of the local community were sought as part of this consultation exercise as follows:

  • a letter including a plan of the proposals and an online link to the consultation was posted to addresses within the immediate vicinity of the scheme in August 2019
  • the consultation letters were delivered by Royal Mail to 370 addresses
  • 29 responses were received during the consultation period, which equates to an 8% response rate
    • fully support – 59% consultees support the proposals
    • support, with changes – 27% consultees support the proposals with changes
    • do not support – 14% consultees did not support the proposals
  • following the comments received from the consultation, cycle markings have been incorporated on the bus lane

 View the full consultation report (PDF, 2.6mb)

Page last updated: 24 March 2022


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