It is illegal to display advertising material such as posters or placards on buildings and street furniture without authorisation. It is not only unsightly but can also cause a danger to pedestrians and road users.
We aim to remove reported fly-posting within 24 hours. If it is on your property we can remove it with your permission.
We do not remove fly-posters from:
- bus shelters (contact Transport for London), or
- telephone boxes (contact BT or call 0800 661 610).
Do not confront those who put up flyposters, they know they are doing something illegal and could become violent. If you are a witness to the flyposting try and make note of the following when you report it:
- date, time and place where it happened
- description and amount of flyposters
- description of any vehicles involved and their registration numbers if possible
With this information, we may have enough evidence to prosecute those responsible. You can report the crime anonymously.
Page last updated: 22 March 2023