Rachel Gomme

- rachelgomme@gmail.com
- 07747 395100
Links to my work
About me and my connection to Southwark
I make work in performance and installation. With a background in dance, my work ranges across disciplines but is rooted in the body and the experience of material embodiment. My practice centres on solo durational performance, often site-specific, and interactive work, both one-to-one exchanges and group participatory activity. Recent work explores "nature" (especially plant growth) in the city through interactive walks looking at "uninvited" growth in streets and corners, and the condition and resilience of street trees, and the vital contribution they make to urban life. I teach workshops in movement improvisation. I'm a long-time resident of Peckham, and have made site-specific work in and for Peckham and Camberwell as well as having a studio here. My current project "Forest of SE15" explores and maps the street trees of my local postcode area
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Page last updated: 30/01/2024