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Data Privacy Notice

Adult Social Care Assessment, Support Planning, Service Provision

Southwark Council uses your personal data to provide you with care and support. Either the Care Act 2014, the Mental Health Act 1983 (amended 2007) and the Mental Capacity Act 2005 requires us to do this.  The council does not need your permission, and failure to tell us your information may mean that we cannot provide you with the most appropriate support.  

Your personal information will be used by our adult social care teams.  We may share your information with other agencies and council departments who may be involved in providing support to you.  If there are persons or organisations that you do not want us to share your information with please let us know.  Information we hold will be kept for the duration of the period we are providing support to you and will be destroyed 7 years after the support has ended.

If you are concerned about how the council is using your data, please contact our Data Protection Officer via dpo@southwark.gov.uk or on 020 7525 5000.

More information about your rights is available on our website, or via the Information Commissioner (www.ico.org.uk).

Page last updated: 02 April 2024


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