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Elephant and Castle

Shopping centre equalities analysis

On 20 October 2015, Cabinet considered a report concerning the next phase of the Elephant and Castle regeneration which focused on the shopping centre. The Cabinet report authorised officers to commission an equalities analysis to help inform us on the equality implications of the shopping centre redevelopment project.

Following the Cabinet decision in October 2015, we prepared a brief for tender to specialist equalities consultants and procured the services of AECOM Ltd, who were appointed in early 2016. The first step in the process was to design a business and customer survey which was successfully conducted with 86 businesses and 502 customers in early 2016. You can read the completed analysis (PDF, 4.4mb) here.

The equalities analysis highlighted the potential adverse risk to older people using the bingo hall who may suffer from a “loss of social inclusion if this facility is no longer available for them to visit regularly.” As age is a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010, AECOM was commissioned to carry out additional analysis specifically targeted at the users of the bingo hall to understand their patterns of use, aspirations and issues related to the potential redevelopment of the centre. You can read the supplemental analysis (PDF, 111kb) here.

Cabinet reviewed a report on 9 May 2017, which discussed the findings of the equalities analysis work and sets out a package of measures to support relocation and mitigate the impact of the closure of the shopping centre on local traders and residents. This report can be downloaded from the Cabinet pages.

Further equalities analysis (PDF, 686kb) was carried out to assess impact on the bowling alley in July 2017. No specific issues were identified which will have an impact on the public sector equalities duty.

The Public Sector Equalities Duty (PSED) imposes a continuing duty on the council to consider equalities impacts to inform its decision making. In 2019 an update (PDF, 3.3mb) was commissioned to monitor any implications arising since the initial Equality Analysis.

If you'd like further information on the equalities analysis, contact:

Dan Taylor 
Programme manager
020 7525 5450

Page last updated: 11 April 2024


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