Properties to let

Most of Southwark Council commercial properties that are available to let are now currently managed by Kalmars Commercial. For more information on what’s currently available, please visit the Kalmars Commercial website, call 0207 403 0600 or email

57A Peckham High Street, SE15 5EB

Located on the busy Peckham High Street, the property benefits from high footfall and traffic. The local parade of shops includes a number of independent retailers which run up to Peckham Library and The Aylesham Centre on Peckham Rye.

This property comprises a ground-floor, new-build commercial space. It offers full-scale high-street frontage and has high ceilings. Currently, in shell and core condition, it provides the potential for a tenant to come and make the place their own.

The unit has Class E planning permission and is suitable for a number of retail, office, leisure and F&B uses.

For further information or to view, phone Kalmars on 020 7403 0600 or email

View Kalmars online brochure for this property



Planning use: Planning Class E

Location: 57A Peckham High Street, London, SE15 5EB

Rent:£80,000 per annum exclusive

Approximate size:2,600sq ft (247sq m)

Lease terms:Minimum five years internal repairing lease

Business rates:The property is not yet assessed for rating purposes. Interested parties should make their own enquiries to verify the actual amount payable -

Service charge:N/A


  • 57A Peckham High Street

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