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Planning glossary

Decision codes

The decision codes listed below are used to show the status of a planning application. You might see these codes on the Planning Register, on Southwark Maps, or in Planning Committee documents. Please note this is not a comprehensive list.

Common decision codes

Application type

Code to show planning permission is granted

Code to show planning permission is refused

Variation of Legal Agreement (VLA) and Variation of Non-material Conditions (VNMC) AGR NAGR
Advertisement consent GRADV READV
Approval of Details (relating to a planning condition) GRAOD REAOD
Reserved matters (relating to an Outline planning application) GRAOR REAOR
Lawful Development Certificate (existing) GRCLE RECLE
Lawful Development Certificate (proposed) GRCLP RECLP
Change of use application GRCOU RECOU
Householder application GRHOUS REHOUS
Minor application GRMIN REMIN
Major application GRMAJ REMAJ
Listed Building Consent GRLBC RELBC
Prior approval (where approval is required) GRPRI REPRI 
Outline planning permission GROUT REOUT

Other decision codes


What this stands for

What this means

APNON Non-Determination Appeal  The applicant has appealed to the Planning Inspectorate for an Appeal of Non-Determination. This is an appeal where the Local Authority has been unable to determine the application within the statutory timeframe.
INELG Not possible to make a prior approval assessment Insufficient information has been provided to support the application, meaning that it is not possible to assess whether prior approval is required.
INV Application invalid or turned away not started It has not been possible to make the application valid. 
GWLA Granted with legal agreement Permission has been granted with legal agreement.
NOTREQ Prior approval not required Prior approval is not required meaning the development is granted. 
PLA Pending legal agreement We are minded to grant the application but the legal agreement has not been agreed and signed by both parties. 
RGD Referred to GLA for decision The application had been referred to the Greater London Authority to make a final decision. 
RSSD Refered to Secretary of State for decision The application had been referred to the Secretary of State to make a final decision. 
WDN Withdrawn The application has been withdrawn by the applicant.


Page last updated: 21 November 2023


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