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Brimmington Park Sports

2020 public consultation

You can request a full PDF copy of the consultation by emailing LeisureProjects@southwark.gov.uk

Brimmington Park is located in a diverse and densely populated area of Peckham in South London.

The sports facilities in Brimmington Park are in poor condition. There are two old, worn out, 5-a-side synthetic-surface football pitches, a large area of hard surfacing used for sports, an outdoor gym, two table tennis tables and a small derelict sports centre building that is not currently used.

Houses surround the park. A train line and railway arches run along the eastern side of the sports facilities area, and Old Kent Road runs along the northern boundary of the park.

Southwark Council’s Playing Pitch Strategy and the Football Foundation’s Southwark Local Football Facility Plan have identified a demand from sports players for more high quality all weather astroturf pitches in our borough.

In this area of London, it is unusual to find locations for new large sports facilities such as sports pitches suitable for football, therefore it has been recommended that existing facilities in poor condition should be upgraded, and made better use of.

The project includes:

  • improving the sports centre by refurbishing and extending it, to make it bigger and more sustainable; it will have changing facilities, a room for events or classes such as yoga, and a modern low-energy sustainable heating system
  • increasing the number of sports pitches from two to five
  • installing new surfacing for the sports pitches, which will be new, high quality, all weather Astroturf for football
  • making all of the sports pitches controlled–access, which means you have to go through the sports centre to use them
  • free sessions and paid matches (for which there is a known demand) will be available
  • seeking to reduce the current antisocial behaviour issues, through good design and encouraging positive use of the park
  • adding a new, open-access interactive football facility, such as the Toro pitch, which can be used by anyone, for free
  • increasing the amount of green space in the park, by removing unnecessary hard surface tarmac areas, and creating “swales” which are sunken rain gardens with wildlife friendly plants, to improve biodiversity

Alongside the sports facility project are other schemes that must work harmoniously with our plans. These include:

1. A new cycle route proposed from Peckham to Rotherhithe will go through Brimmington Park. It will follow the route of the pathway that leads from the entrance near the sports facility on Culmore Road to the entrance on Old Kent Road

2. The installation of heating pipes underneath pathways in the park to heat local residences. 

  • Summary

    During the second consultation, 26 people filled in the online form - less than the first public consultation with 32 responses. The response rate is low, especially considering that 47 people from the project mailing list were invited to participate.

    Almost half of respondents to the online survey said they felt the design could be improved, with only 19% saying that they liked the design. The main concerns were the amount of free use, community engagement, graffiti, noise, dogs, cycling and car parking, which are discussed below

    One respondent mentioned they liked that different football pitch sizes, including five-a-side and seven-a-side pitches, will be available.

    Free use and access

    The most often mentioned concern is that those who cannot afford to pay will have limited free access to the sports pitches. Uncontrolled, free access to all of the sports pitches at all times has been considered previously, and unfortunately, it is not possible. This is for many reasons including the demand for astroturf pitches and paid matches, a need to upgrade the sports facilities that are in poor condition, the maintenance costs associated with keeping the pitches in good condition, and our aim to support marginalised groups to have better access to play sports. It will also help manage current antisocial behaviour issues. This is discussed in more detail in the ‘Conclusions’ section on page 12.

    The consultation information included an ‘indicative programme’ showing a possible timetable, with free and paid-for sessions. 53% of respondents suggested that the indicative programme could be improved.

    The most popular suggestion was more free sessions or having free access at all times. Although the number of free sessions will be reviewed after the new sports facility opens, there need to be enough paid-for sessions to generate money to pay for the staff wages, and maintenance and repairs to the football pitches and sports centre building.

    Free access during peak times was requested. The indicative programme includes some free access at peak times, and this request is being considered but will be constrained by the demand for bookings at peak time, and making enough money to keep the facility running.

    Some residents suggested that there should be no programme, and that people should be able to drop by to play at any time. This will not be possible for many reasons. Football clubs and coaches need to plan their activities in advance and be able to book a football pitch at a specific time. Without staff supervision, activity can be dominated by young male adults, to the detriment of children, women and girls, and people with disabilities.

    One respondent mentioned that they would welcome controlled access with a booking system. They feel that people would respect the facility more, and be less likely to leave their litter behind, which is often true. They suggested that the sports grounds should close at a reasonable time, and opening hours will be 9am to 10pm.

    Community engagement

    Some respondents feel there has been limited engagement with the community. The project has been publicised by a mail out sent to houses near the park in 2019, with two public consultations rounds held including events. The consultations were advertised on the project webpage, and on council social media, and posters were displayed in the park. For more information see the ‘Conclusions’ section.


    The possible loss of access to the graffiti area was a concern for some people. We intend to keep the graffiti art where possible, such as at the railway arches.

    Disturbance to local people

    Noise from the facility causing a disturbance was a worry for many local residents, and some reported that noisy antisocial behaviour currently happens in the park. Controlling access to the sports centre and having staff there gives us the opportunity to tackle antisocial behaviour. An acoustic survey has been commissioned and recommendations to minimise the noise have been taken into account, which includes building barriers to reduce noise from the facility.


    People liked the improvement to the entrance to Brimmington Park on Old Kent Road.


    Some people mentioned that they support the new cycle path and cycle route, including the Southwark Cyclists group.

    Other respondents felt that the new shared path would be dangerous, due to the possibility of collisions with pedestrians, mobility scooters and dogs. The shared path has been designed in line with the council’s Designated Cycle Route Design Standards for Southwark’s Parks; for more details see the Conclusions section. Dogs in the park must be either under control or on a leash.

    There is not an enclosed dog area currently and introducing a new dog-only area is not considered best use of available space and is therefore not being recommended

    Car parking

    Car parking was mentioned, as there was concern that it may become more difficult for residents to park. The council is planning a consultation about a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) in this area. This may restrict parking to residents only at certain times of day and may discourage visits by car.


    Equalities data collected shows that the demographics of those responding are not entirely representative of the community of Southwark, with black, Asian and minority ethnicity people, young people, middle-aged people, older people and those with disabilities being underrepresented


  • Consultation activity

    Information was published on our Consultation Hub Website in August 2020. This included showing the latest design (see Appendix 1), and the indicative programme (see Appendix 2).

    The 47 people on the project mailing list were invited to take part. Posters were displayed in Brimmington Park, and the consultation was also advertised via the council’s social media.

    An online event was held using Zoom on Sunday 4 October 2020.

    The online consultation survey was available from 13 August to 11 October 2020.

    92% of the respondents stated they were local residents, and 8% stated they were representative of community and voluntary groups.

    Thirteen respondents said they would be interested in joining a local community steering group for the facility. The group would be formed of local people, who meet on occasion to discuss any issues and ideas about the facility.


  • Results

    26 responses to the online survey were received.

    Question 1

    Please view the first consultation report and updated proposal on designs to improve sports facilities.

    Overall what do you think about the updated design?

    Response choice

    No of respondents

    Percentage of respondents

    I like the design



    I think the design can be improved



    I don’t have an opinion on the design






    Respondents were given the opportunity to explain their answer, and all comments received are shown in appendix 3. An analysis of the comments is in the next section.

    Question 2

    Please have a look at our indicative programme.   Overall, what do you think about the programme?

    Response choice

    No of respondents

    Percentage of respondents

    I like the programme



    I think the programme can be improved



    I don't have an opinion about the programme






    Respondents were asked about the reasons for their answer, and all comments received are shown in appendix 3. An analysis of the comments is in the next section.

    Question 3

    Do you have any further comments on the draft design proposal for Brimmington Park?

    The third question invited any feedback about the design, and all comments received are shown in appendix 3. An analysis of the comments is in the next section.


  • Summary of key points from the comments

    We looked at common themes in the comments, and considered people’s ideas and concerns. The table below shows what people told us, and how we have responded to your feedback

    Common themes in comments

    Our response

    Concern that the noise levels from games and events will be a disturbance for local residents

    An acoustic survey was undertaken and recommendations to minimise the noise have been carried out, which include building barriers to reduce noise from the facility

    Concern that it may be more difficult for residents to park

    Car parking was mentioned, as there was concern that it may become more difficult for residents to park. The council is planning a consultation about a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) in this area. This may restrict parking to residents only at certain times of day and may discourage visits by car

    Doesn't think 3G football pitches are necessary, 2G carpets pitches are good. 2G Astroturf should be uncontrolled free access at all times

    Currently, there is a demand for high-quality 3G Astroturf football pitches by local football clubs including community football clubs, which is evidenced in our Playing Pitch Strategy.

    Suggest adding a tennis court

    Concern about lack of volleyball facilities

    We understand it is important to provide spaces for a variety of sports activities; however, there is not enough space to incorporate tennis or volleyball courts within this project.

    All sessions should be free / more free access

    Concern that children will not be able to use the free sessions, because they are mostly during school times

    Informal kickabouts are important

    residents using the pitches now are still able to use them after.

    Uncontrolled, free access to all of the sports pitches at all times has been considered previously, and unfortunately, it is not possible. This is for many reasons including the demand for astroturf pitches and paid matches, a need to upgrade the sports facilities that are in poor condition, and our aim to support marginalised groups to have better access to play sports. It will also help tackle current antisocial behaviour issues. This is discussed in more detail in the ‘Conclusions’ section on page 12

    Advertise sessions for women's and disability football.

    Women’s and disability football sessions will be advertised

    Indicative timetable should be simplified.

    The programme is currently only indicative, and the different types of activity will depend on the demand from community clubs and other football clubs

    Concern that the indicative timetable could change, so that the company running the sports facility can make more money.

    The programme is currently only indicative and will be monitored and adjusted when the sports facility is open

    Concern that people who currently play at Brimmington Park won’t be able to use the new facility

    Everyone will be welcome at the new sports centre including the people who currently play at the pitches

    Concern about the safety of paths shared by pedestrians and cyclists

    Concern that the cycle route could be dangerous for dogs, as it could create a conflict between dogs and cyclists

    Concern about cyclists going too fast

    The pathway has been designed according to our Cycle Route Design Standards. Pedestrian priority signs will be installed on the pathway. The path will be 4.5m wide, to allow pedestrians and cyclists to pass each other at a safe distance.

    The shared path will have markings indicating that pedestrians have priority over cyclists, and dogs in the park must either be under control or on a leash

    Cycle route is welcomed

    Sustainable transport such as cycling is great for the environment

    The crossing at the traffic lights to the north of the park is not safe for cyclists

    This crossing will be improved for cyclists, as part of the construction of the new cycle route

    Shared path inside the park should be lit after dark

    The route through the park is already lit, and lamp posts will be relocated to light the new shared path

    Suggest putting an enclosed dog area.

    There is not an enclosed dog area currently and council policy is not to introduce new dog-only areas. This is because green space is limited and needs to be shared by everyone, without anyone feeling excluded

    The interactive football pitch is not necessary.

    This facility will provide an important sport and play facility that is free to use. It is new and innovative, providing interactive games, and we expect it to be popular, particularly for adolescents who are under-provided for in parks, and who were underrepresented in the consultation. An example of an  interactive football pitch is the Yalp Toro

    Concern about relocating outdoor gym near the Clifton Crescent properties.

    The new location of the gym equipment is slightly further away from residential properties than the current location. It is approximately 30m from the nearest property on Clifton Crescent, which meets guidance for sports facilities

    The gym cannot be kept in the same location, because this is the only place big enough to fit the  interactive football pitch, without having to remove any trees

    Extend the consultation to a wider community

    Consultation was not well advertised

    In 2019, letters were sent to houses near the park, inviting them to take park in the first consultation and join the mailing list

    An invitation to take part in the second consultation was sent to the mailing list

    We have carried out two public consultations for the project. The first consultation included a drop in event. The drop in event for the second consultation had to be cancelled due to Covid 19, but an online event was held instead

    The two public consultations were advertised on the project website, on council social media, and posters were displayed in the park. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 it was not possible to meet residents face-to-face during this consultation

    Council should measure outcomes such as number of residents who will use the facilities, reduction in antisocial behaviour, and benefits of increasing green spaces and should know already if the is a demand for services like this in the community

    Council officers and wardens monitor antisocial behaviour through patrols, including during the weekend

    Monitoring the facility will be undertaken once it opens to the public. We are aware of the demand for 3G Astroturf pitches, which is detailed in the council’s Playing Pitch Strategy and Football Foundation’s Southwark Local Football Facility Plan.

    Good to have different football pitches sizes

    By having different size pitches, we can diversify playing and increase the number of residents getting active

    Controlled access and the requirement to book pitches is beneficial. How will the interactive Toro pitch be staffed?

    The interactive sports pitch will not be staffed and will be free to use at all times. The games available at the interactive sports pitch will include sounds on built-in speakers. Council staff monitor the facility and will have access to adjust the volume or switch of the sound completely, if required. The sounds will only be available during the daytime.

    Keep graffiti and make it accessible at all times.

    We intend to keep the graffiti art where possible, such as at the railway arches.

    Money should be invested in sustainable housing.

    The budget assigned to this project is for the park and sports facility.


    To install a community cafe with seating areas.

    A café cannot be included as the building is not big enough. However, it is expected that drinks and snacks will be on sale.

    More open space is needed

    Parks should be for nature

    Concern about the removal of mature shrubs

    Could add more shrubs.

    The amount of green space is going to be increased, and the amount of hard surfacing like tarmac will be reduced. We will keep as many shrubs as possible, and see if they can be transplanted.  “Swales” will be created, which are sunken rain gardens with wildlife-friendly plants, to improve biodiversity. Ten new trees will be planted


    We also received the following positive comments:

    • cycle route is welcomed
    • it will be good to have different football pitches sizes
    • it will be good to have local clubs using the facility, and access to a range of inclusive sessions
    • the bollards at the Old Kent Road entrance will be beneficial
    • I like the fact trees are being kept
    • I like the increase in green space


  • Equalities

    Equalities data collected shows that the demographics of those responding is not entirely representative of the community of Southwark, with black, Asian and minority ethnicity people, young people, older people and those with disabilities being underrepresented.

    There were no respondents under the age of 25, therefore the opinion of young people is not represented in the results of this consultation.

    There were only two responses from people over the age of 55, therefore the opinion of middle-aged and older people is not well represented in the results of this consultation.

    46% of the respondents stated they are female, compared with 50.1% of Southwark residents who identify as female, which shows that women were slightly under represented.

    Only 7% of respondents were from black, Asian and minority ethnicity backgrounds, which is much lower than the local community, as 58% of the East Central multi-ward population identify themselves as from a black, Asian and minority ethnicity background.

    One respondent stated that they have a disability, which is 4% of respondents. When compared with 14% of the population of Southwark who state that they have a disability, this shows that people with disabilities were underrepresented.

  • Conclusions

    The response rate to the consultation was low, and some parts of our community were not well represented; black, Asian and minority ethnicity people, young people, middle aged people, older people and those with disabilities were all underrepresented, and we need to make sure their needs are taken into account.

    A sports facility with supervision and controlled-access is likely to enable organised activities for groups, which are currently underrepresented, including women and girls, older people and people with ambulant disabilities.

    The most commonly raised concern was about being able to use the facility for free, which has been considered previously, but unfortunately is not possible for the following reasons.

    Access to sports pitches, payment and free use

    As well as the benefits of making the sports facility more inclusive for underrepresented groups, there are other reasons why some people will be required to pay for hire of the pitches. Local community football clubs need to be able to book regular matches for their players, and this would not be possible at an open-access facility. Once you can book a sports pitch, you need staff there to make sure everyone gets to use the sports pitches at the time they booked it. Income from hiring the pitches will go towards paying the staff who will work at the sports centre, providing new jobs in the local area. It will also go towards maintaining the sports pitches and keeping the sports centre clean and in good condition.

    We know that in London there is a demand for pay-to-hire Astroturf pitches, and many people are willing and able to pay for this opportunity, to take part in football leagues. Income from those who can afford it will allow the council to provide free or low cost use at set times, for local people who otherwise may not be able to afford to play on a high quality Astroturf sports pitch. We believe that everyone deserves to play sports at the same high quality facility.

    There are already complaints of antisocial behaviour in Brimmington Park, including at the sports facility. Experience has shown that “Turf Wars” and bullying tactics can be used by dominating groups to control access to uncontrolled pitches, restricting use by women, children and other marginalised groups. Antisocial behaviour is likely to be reduced, due to staff surveillance and provision of toilets for players.

    There are other benefits of controlled access. The toilets will be publically accessible, so other visitors to the park and local area can use them. Lack of toilets can be a barrier to the mobility of some people with health issues or disabilities, which stops them visiting parks and green spaces, so this would be a real benefit to the local community.

    The free interactive football pitch, will be open for use at any time during the day. This may be the Yalp Toro Interactive Sports arena, or a similar facility. See Yalp for more information.

    Information will be on display, letting people know when the facilities are free to access.

    Community engagement

    Some respondents feel there has been limited engagement with the community. In 2019, letters were sent to houses near the park, inviting them to take park in the first consultation, and join the project mailing list. We have carried out two public consultations, and an invitation to take part in the second consultation was sent to the mailing list. The first consultation included a drop in event, however unfortunately the drop in event for the second consultation had to be cancelled due to Covid 19. An online event was held instead. The consultations were advertised on the project webpage, on council social media, and posters were displayed in the park. Unfortunately, due to Covid 19 it was not possible to meet residents face-to-face during this consultation.


    The possible loss of access to the graffiti area was a concern for some people. We intend to keep the graffiti art where possible, such as at the railway arches.

    Disturbance to local people

    Noise from the facility causing a disturbance was a worry for a number of local residents, and some reported that noisy antisocial behaviour currently happens in the park. Controlling access to the sports centre and having staff there gives us the opportunity to tackle antisocial behaviour. An acoustic survey has been commissioned and recommendations to minimise the noise have been carried out, which include building barriers to reduce noise from the facility.


    A new cycle route is proposed from Peckham to Rotherhithe, that will go through Brimmington Park. It will follow the route of the pathway that leads from the entrance near the sports facility on Culmore Road to the entrance on Old Kent Road.

    Although some people were in favour of the new cycling infrastructure, some respondents felt that the new, shared path could be dangerous, due to the possibility of collisions with pedestrians, mobility scooters and dogs. Cyclists are already permitted in Brimmington Park, but the new cycle route could increase the number of cyclists, particularly during commuting times.

    The shared path has been designed according to our Designated Cycle Route Design Standards for Southwark’s Parks. These were produced through research, which found that shared pathways are more suitable for parks than separate designated cycle-only lanes. The minimum recommended path width is 4m, and paths will be 4.5m wide to allow space for pedestrians and cyclists to pass each other at a distance that feels safe. The paths will also have markers that indicate that pedestrians have priority over cyclists, who will be required to ‘give way’ to others. Dogs in the park must either be under control or on a leash.

    Monitoring of the 4.5m wide shared cycle route pathways at Burgess Park found collisions or accidents that involved cyclists were rare. Some conflict was found between cyclists, and a cyclist and pedestrian collision was rare; only as likely as two pedestrians bumping into each other. This demonstrates how having a wide pathway gives people the opportunity to pass by each other at a safe distance, whether travelling by bicycle or on foot.


    Some respondents mentioned that there is no enclosed dog area, and one suggested that a dog area is added. Council policy is not to introduce new dog-only areas, because green space is limited and needs to be shared by everyone, without anyone feeling excluded

    Car Parking

    There was concern that it may become more difficult for residents to park. The council is planning a consultation about a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) in this area. This may restrict parking to residents only at certain times of day and may discourage visits by car. One respondent liked the fact that pitches of different sizes will be available, including five-a-side and seven-a-side pitches

  • Next steps

    The project team has been working on the design since the end of the second consultation, which has involved input from landscape architects, building architects, structural engineers, and drainage experts, and unfortunately has taken longer than expected.

    Unfortunately, we had to put the project on hold in July 2023, due to resourcing issues within the council.

    Once the resourcing issues have been resolved, the updated, final design will be published on the project webpage, and the mailing will be informed. To join the mailing list, please contact LeisureProjects@southwark.gov.uk 

    An application for planning permission will be submitted, and there will be another chance to submit your comments during the statutory consultation period

  • Appendix 1: Design shown during second consultation
    Design shown during second Brimmington Park consultation

    A design was shown during the second consultation. This was amended from earlier designs, based on the following comments from the first consultation in September 2019. 

    1. Respondents were keen to keep the tree which was proposed for removal. The path from Clifton Crescent has now been re-aligned so the tree can be kept. There will be no tree felling for this project, and locations for new tree planting are being looked at.

    2. More benches were requested. Three benches have been added to the design, with two located in sunny spots and one located in the shade of trees with a view to watch matches on the sports pitches. 

    3. It was felt that more bicycle racks are needed. An additional rack has been added near the sports pitches, which may encourage more people to travel to the park by bicycle.

    4. Informal play was suggested. The design now includes a natural play trail running alongside the main path, for young children to climb and balance on low natural elements including rocks, balance beams and logs.

    5. People wanted to keep the outdoor gym. It will be relocated, and any broken equipment will be replaced.

    6. Opinion on graffiti art was divided but generally more people wanted to keep it. The graffiti contributes to the unique character of Brimmington Park and should be retained where possible.


    The design showed a map of Brimmington Park, along with the following proposed changes.

    New entrance from the Old Kent Road

    The proposal includes:

    • improved and enhanced entrance 
    • planting either side of the entrance, providing a green buffer between the road and the park
    • retaining existing trees, retaining the park's feeling of maturity and ensuring biodiversity is maintained
    • introduction of bollards to deter mopeds and cars from entering the park

    Relocating outdoor gym equipment

    Keep the existing gym equipment but moving it and repairing where needed.

    Shared cycle path

    Brimmington Park will be part of the new cycle route that runs from Rotherhithe to Peckham.

    New interactive 'Toro' pitch

    A new free-to-use 10 x 10m Toro pitch. The Toro pitch has interactive goals and provides a range of games to play.

    Refurbished 3G pitches

    The proposal includes:

    • resurfaced, floodlit 3G artificial grass pitches
    • to be configured as five 5-a-side pitches or 1 7-a-side pitch and 3 5-a-side pitches
    • the pitches will have a dedicated reception with controlled access through the Southern end of the pitches
    • the pitches will be bookable and there will be free access sessions
    • a proposed route to access the pitches via the sports centre (leave the sports centre via the exit nearest the viaduct, then follow the path to the right of the pitches and left of the viaduct) - this was requested in the previous consultation

    Enhanced entrance

    The proposal mentions a re-landscaped entrance to the park from Culmore Road, including a 'welcome plaza' with ornamental herbaceous planting and maintaining the existing mature trees.


  • Appendix 2: Indicative programme, shown during second consultation
    Indicative Brimmington Park timetable

    Accessible version

    The following timetable includes 5 kinds of activity:

    • free play, where space is available for residents to drop in and play on a casual basis
    • community development sessions to engage specific groups from the local area - these include women's football, disabled sessions, walking football, local club coaching, crime diversion programmes and health-based football
    • hire: opportunities for school, group or individual bookings
    • pitch hire for local junior football teams to run their training sessions
    • adult leagues: organised football leagues for individuals or teams to enter (paid entry)
      Pitches 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 12noon 12.30pm 1.00pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm
    Monday 1 Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Community focused session Community focused session Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Walking football for older adults Walking football for older adults Disability football sessions Disability football sessions Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Or


    ganised Adult football leagues (paid entry)
    Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry)
    Monday 2 Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Available to hire Available to hire Community focused session Community focused session Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Walking football for older adults Walking football for older adults Disability football sessions Disability football sessions Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry)
    Monday 3 Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Community focused session Community focused session Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Walking football for older adults Walking football for older adults Disability football sessions Disability football sessions Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry)
    Monday 4 Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Walking football for older adults Walking football for older adults Disability football sessions Disability football sessions Available to hire Available to hire Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry)
    Monday 4 Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Walking football for older adults Walking football for older adults Disability football sessions Disability football sessions Available to hire Available to hire Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry)
    Tuesday 1 Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Football fitness for adults Football fitness for adults Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Womens football development sessions Womens football development sessions Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Available to hire Available to hire Free hire to youth inclusion session Free hire to youth inclusion session Free hire to youth inclusion session Free hire to youth inclusion session Available to hire Available to hire
    Tuesday 2 Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Available to hire Available to hire Football fitness for adults Football fitness for adults Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Womens football development sessions Womens football development sessions Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire
    Tuesday 3 Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Football fitness for adults Football fitness for adults Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Womens football development sessions Womens football development sessions Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire
    Tuesday 4 Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Available to hire Available to hire Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Womens football development sessions Womens football development sessions Available to hire Available to hire Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches
    Tuesday 4 Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Available to hire Available to hire Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Womens football development sessions Womens football development sessions Available to hire Available to hire Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches
    Wednesday 1 Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Community focused session Community focused session Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Community focused session Community focused session Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Community session Community session Community session Community session Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry)
    Wednesday 2 Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Community focused session Community focused session Community session Community session Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Community focused session Community focused session Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry)
    Wednesday 3 Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Community focused session Community focused session Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Community focused session Community focused session Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry)
    Wednesday 4 Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Available to hire Available to hire Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Available to hire Available to hire Community focused session Community focused session Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Available to hire Available to hire Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry)
    Wednesday 4 Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Available to hire Available to hire Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Available to hire Available to hire Community focused session Community focused session Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Available to hire Available to hire Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry)
    Thursday 1 Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Community focused session Community focused session Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Available to hire Available to hire Community session Community session Community session Community session Community session Community session
    Thursday 2 Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Community session Community session Community focused session Community focused session Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire
    Thursday 3 Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Community focused session Community focused session Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire
    Thursday 4 Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Available to hire Available to hire Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches
    Thursday 4 Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Available to hire Available to hire Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches
    Friday 1 Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Community focused session Community focused session Free access to pitches Free access to pitches School football league School football league School football league School football league Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Available to hire Available to hire Free hire to youth inclusion session Free hire to youth inclusion session Free hire to youth inclusion session Free hire to youth inclusion session Free hire to youth inclusion session Free hire to youth inclusion session
    Friday 2 Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Community focused session Community focused session Free access to pitches Free access to pitches School football league School football league School football league School football league Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire
    Friday 3 Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Community focused session Community focused session Free access to pitches Free access to pitches School football league School football league School football league School football league Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire
    Friday 4 Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Available to hire Available to hire Free access to pitches Free access to pitches School football league School football league School football league School football league Available to hire Available to hire Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Available to hire Available to hire Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches
    Friday 4 Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Available to hire Available to hire Free access to pitches Free access to pitches School football league School football league School football league School football league Available to hire Available to hire Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Free hire to local clubs providing free/low cost after school activity Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Available to hire Available to hire Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches
    Saturday 1 Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Girls football development sessions Girls football development sessions Girls football development sessions Girls football development sessions Womens football development sessions Womens football development sessions Womens football development sessions Womens football development sessions Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free hire to local club for youth inclusion session Free hire to local club for youth inclusion session Available to hire Available to hire Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches    
    Saturday 2 Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Girls football development sessions Girls football development sessions Girls football development sessions Girls football development sessions Womens football development sessions Womens football development sessions Womens football development sessions Womens football development sessions Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free hire to local club for youth inclusion session Free hire to local club for youth inclusion session Available to hire Available to hire Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches    
    Saturday 3 Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Girls football development sessions Girls football development sessions Girls football development sessions Girls football development sessions Womens football development sessions Womens football development sessions Womens football development sessions Womens football development sessions Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free hire to local club for youth inclusion session Free hire to local club for youth inclusion session Available to hire Available to hire Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches    
    Saturday 4 Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Girls football development sessions Girls football development sessions Girls football development sessions Girls football development sessions Womens football development sessions Womens football development sessions Womens football development sessions Womens football development sessions Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free hire to local club for youth inclusion session Free hire to local club for youth inclusion session Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches    
    Saturday 4 Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Girls football development sessions Girls football development sessions Girls football development sessions Girls football development sessions Womens football development sessions Womens football development sessions Womens football development sessions Womens football development sessions Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free hire to local club for youth inclusion session Free hire to local club for youth inclusion session Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches    
    Sunday 1 Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Disability football league Disability football league Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry)    
    Sunday 2 Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Disability football league Disability football league Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry)    
    Sunday 3 Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Disability football league Disability football league Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry)    
    Sunday 4 Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Disability football league Disability football league Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry)    
    Sunday 4 Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Disability football league Disability football league Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Pitch hire for Junior football clubs Free access to pitches Free access to pitches Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Available to hire Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry) Organised Adult football leagues (paid entry)    


Page last updated: 10 June 2024


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