Changes to parking fees and charges

Changes to parking fees and charges will take effect from 1 April 2024. Read more about the changes (official public record, published 7 March)

We have changed websites.

Please visit to access our new and improved website.

What to do if your vehicle has been removed

If you suspect that your vehicle has been removed, contact Tow-away Removal and Clamping Enquires (TRACE), a free 24-hour service.

TRACE can also be contacted by telephone on 0300 077 0100 (find out about call charges).

TRACE will confirm if your vehicle has been removed and where it has been taken.

If your car has been removed by Southwark, you must make payment by contacting our parking Customer Service Centre prior to collecting your vehicle. Contact us on 0800 138 9081 or 0344 800 2736 , Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. 

Removal fees

  • £200 removal fee
  • cost of Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) issued on the day of your vehicle's removal
  • any applicable storage fees

The cost of the PCN will vary depending on the contravention that occurred. It will range from a minimum of £40 to a maximum of £130.

If the vehicle isn't claimed from the car pound on the day it arrived, a storage charge of £40 per day is also payable. This is charged from midnight on the first day following a removal and on each subsequent day.

Vehicle collection and opening times

If your vehicle has been removed by Southwark it may be taken to:

Redcorn Ltd, Jeffreys Road, Enfield, EN3 7UA

0208 803 0834 (between 8am and 5pm, Monday to Friday)

Opening hours - Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm
How to get there - the nearest railway stations are Brimsdown or Ponders End.

Your vehicle may be decanted temporarily to the following Car Pound before being taken to Enfield:

APCOA Car Pound
Unit 5, 709 Old Kent Road
London SE15 1JZ

07968 623713 (between 8am and 5pm, Monday to Friday)

TRACE are updated with the current location of where removed vehicles are held.  Please ensure you check with TRACE (details at the top of this webpage) before setting off to collect your vehicle.

What you need to take with you

To have your vehicle released from the car pound, you'll need to show all of the following:

  • one form of photographic ID
  • one form of documentary proof to show that you're the owner, hirer or keeper of vehicle
  • one form of documentary proof of your address

Photographic ID accepted:

  • passport
  • driving license

Proof of vehicle ownership accepted:

  • vehicle registration document
  • vehicle insurance certificate

Proof of address accepted:

  • landline phone bill
  • Council Tax bill
  • utility bill
  • bank statement
Bills or statements must be no more than three months old

Hire vehicles

You should provide the hire agreement, your ID to confirm who you are and one proof of your address as detailed above.

Company vehicles

You should provide a letter on headed paper, showing the company address and confirming that you have the company’s permission to collect the vehicle. Your ID to confirm who you are and proof of your address are also required.

Contesting the removal of your vehicle

Once you've collected your vehicle, make a Formal Representations by emailing or by post to London Borough of Southwark, Parking Services, Admail 4197, SE1 1ZW.

Unclaimed vehicles

If a vehicle isn't claimed we may dispose of it. We'll also take action to recover an unpaid PCN, removal fee and storage charges (if applicable).

Page last updated: 27 September 2022


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