Changes to parking fees and charges

Changes to parking fees and charges will take effect from 1 April 2024. Read more about the changes (official public record, published 7 March)

We have changed websites.

Please visit to access our new and improved website.

Report a parking enforcement issue

The quickest way to report a request for parking enforcement is by emailing

We will need to know the location and what the issue is. Examples of parking enforcement issues may include vehicles parked on yellow lines, footway parking, double parking or vehicles obstructing your drive. 

Our enforcement team will despatch a CEO to the location as soon as possible. Please note the main hours of enforcement activity are Monday to Sunday 8am to 6.30pm, but we have a small team that works into the evenings and sometimes through the night.

The council is going paperless with our resident and business parking permits and paid for parking (PayByPhone). Therefore, you may notice vehicles parking in permit or pay and display bays without displaying permits or pay and display tickets. Our Civil Enforcement Officers (CEOs) have access to our permit database and PayByPhone information and regularly visit parking bays during restricted hours.

All appeals against parking tickets should be made in writing. Please see how to challenge a parking ticket.

You can phone the parking service on 0800 138 9081 or 0344 800 2736 (find out about call charges), Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. 

Please be aware that the parking call centre receives a high volume of calls and is particularly busy from 9am to 1pm

You can also write to us by post to London Borough of Southwark, Parking Services, Admail 4197, SE1 1ZW or email

Page last updated: 04 January 2023


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